
This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost

author:Three, six, five said three rural

Reading guide: Dragon Boat Festival on June 10th, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind: 3 major characteristics to understand early


This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost

Half a month has passed since the May Day holiday, and everyone's interest in playing has almost disappeared. Now everyone is paying attention to when is the next public holiday? How long will it take? Today we're going to talk about it.

According to the latest holiday notice arrangement, the first statutory holiday time to come after May Day is during the Dragon Boat Festival. And this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday time has been arranged. The Dragon Boat Festival is legally closed for one day, that is, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, on June 10 of the solar calendar. We can take a three-day holiday during the Dragon Boat Festival, because June 8th to June 9th is a two-day weekend, so this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday can be taken off for three consecutive days, from June 8th to June 10th. Do you remember that?

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost

When it comes to the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone should be familiar with this, because the Dragon Boat Festival is one of the four traditional festivals in the mainland, which is deeply loved by people, and we are now doing a good job of inheriting the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.

The Dragon Boat Festival is mainly derived from the story of Qu Yuan's investment in the Miluo River, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, as well as in the south of the Yangtze River. Of course, today's north also attaches great importance to the Dragon Boat Festival. And several traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival, such as cutting wormwood and hanging wormwood during the Dragon Boat Festival, wrapping zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, rowing dragon boats during the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking water at noon during the Dragon Boat Festival, and so on. These customs are passed down from our ancestors. It is not only the inheritance of cultural customs, but also the maintenance of family affection, such as the custom that married girls should go back to their parents' homes to "hide from the Dragon Boat Festival" during the Dragon Boat Festival.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost

The specific day of the Dragon Boat Festival is mainly based on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. This year, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is June 10 of the solar calendar. Today is May 17th, so we are only more than 20 days away from the Dragon Boat Festival, and we can arrange the vacation arrangements for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday again.

However, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, according to the ancestors, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind that this year's Dragon Boat Festival has 3 major characteristics. What are the three major characteristics? Let's take a look:

1. This year is the early Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is judged according to the time of the Summer Solstice Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival comes before the Summer Solstice Festival, which is the early Dragon Boat Festival. If the Dragon Boat Festival comes after the Summer Solstice Festival, it means that it is a late Dragon Boat Festival. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is coming on June 10th, and the Summer Solstice Festival is on June 21st, so this year's Dragon Boat Festival is the early Dragon Boat Festival. According to custom, the cool swishing of the early Dragon Boat Festival indicates that this summer may be a cold summer.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost

2. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is a lot of dragon boat water.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, the mainland has entered the traditional rainy season, and the rain at this time is called "dragon boat water", especially the dragon boat water in South China is very violent. It also confirms people's enthusiasm for dragon boat rowing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. This year, June 10 is the Dragon Boat Festival, and June 11 is the rainy season. That is to say, the Dragon Boat Festival is directly connected to the plum blossom, which shows that there is a lot of water saving during the Dragon Boat Festival. There is an old saying that "if you are not afraid of the ghosts of the seventh and a half months, you are afraid of the water of the Dragon Boat Festival".

3. This year's Dragon Boat Festival is similar to the Mangzhong Festival

The solar term of Mangzhong arrives on June 5th, and June 10th is the Dragon Boat Festival. Because this year is the year of "before the Dragon Boat Festival". So, is it good to plant mangs before the Dragon Boat Festival? There is an old saying that "before the Dragon Boat Festival, there is no rain", that is to say, in such a year, it is time for the wheat to be harvested, and the most feared thing is that there will be rain in the sky, so it is better to have a sunny day at this time.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival, a smooth and a hundred smooth, and the three characteristics of the early understanding.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is not ordinary, summed up 3 major characteristics, no matter how busy you are, keep in mind the old tradition can not be lost