
The first business license of the Garment City Merchant Comprehensive Service Center was "born"!

author:Changshu Garment City
{"info":{"title":{"content":"服装城商户综合服务中心首张营业执照“诞生”!","en":"The first business license of the Garment City Merchant Comprehensive Service Center was \"born\"!"},"description":{"content":"5月16日服装城商户综合服务中心首张营业执照办理成功!某商户“通过上门宣传得知商户综合服务中心可以办理市场主体及民生业务...","en":"On May 16, the first business license of the Garment City Merchant Comprehensive Service Center was successfully processed! A merchant \"learned through door-to-door publicity that the merchant's comprehensive service center can handle market entities and people's livelihood business..."}},"items":[]}