
The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

author:Pupu Health

"Your hand cramps are not as simple as calcium deficiency, we need further investigations."

The doctor looked at the examination report and explained to Aunt Zhang in front of him.

Zhang Zhi, a 63-year-old retired primary school teacher, has been experiencing cramps in her hands lately, thinking she is suffering from calcium deficiency due to her age.

I bought a lot of calcium-containing foods, such as stewed bone broth and sunbath, but the problem has not been solved.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

This time, she went to the hospital for a detailed examination, but the result was unexpected.

"Doctor, I drank a lot of bone broth, why do I still have hand cramps?" Zhang Zhi asked puzzled.

The doctor sighed: there are many causes of hand cramps, and calcium is just one of them.

Depending on your test results, the problem may be with your thyroid gland. We need to do a closer look.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

A few days later, the results of the examination came out, and the doctor called Zhang Zhi to the office and said in a serious tone:

"Aunt Zhang, you have a tumor on your thyroid gland, and after further examination, we confirmed that it is thyroid cancer."

When Zhang Zhi heard the news, he burst into tears. She never imagined that her hand cramps were a sign of cancer.

The doctor handed her a tissue and comforted: Don't worry too much, if thyroid cancer is detected early, the cure rate is still very high.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

We will arrange surgery as soon as possible, and the surgery should be followed by radiotherapy or chemotherapy to control the disease.

Zhang Zhi gradually calmed down and decided to actively cooperate with the treatment.

The operation went smoothly, and the doctor removed the thyroid tumor for Zhang Zhi and performed a pathological examination.

After the operation, Zhang Zhi accepted the doctor's advice and underwent several radiotherapy.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

After a period of treatment, her body gradually recovered, and the symptoms of hand cramps disappeared.

During the treatment, Zhang Zhi learned that thyroid cancer is not a particularly rare disease, especially in middle-aged and elderly women.

The early symptoms of thyroid cancer are not obvious, and many people find it incidentally during a physical examination or when they visit a doctor for other problems.

The doctor told Zhang Zhi that the specific cause of thyroid cancer is not yet clear, but there are some known risk factors.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

These include radiation exposure, familial genetics, and certain environmental factors. Zhang Zhi remembered working in school when he was young.

Sometimes they came into contact with radioactive materials, but at that time no special attention was paid to protection.

She sighed: "I really didn't expect that not paying attention to it over the years would cause such a serious problem." ”

Doctors advise that regular medical check-ups are very important, especially for middle-aged and elderly people.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

With early detection, the chance of curing thyroid cancer can reach more than 90%.

After the treatment, Zhang Zhi's body gradually regained his health. She also began to pay attention to the impact of her lifestyle on her body.

She goes to the hospital regularly for follow-up check-ups to make sure there are no signs of recurrence.

Zhang Zhi's experience has also attracted the attention of family and friends.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

Her son and daughter-in-law began to pay more attention to the family's health check-up, arranging for the whole family to have a comprehensive check-up every year.

Her friends followed suit and went to the hospital regularly for check-ups, especially for thyroid screenings.

How can thyroid cancer be effectively prevented, detected and treated as early as possible in daily life?

To prevent thyroid cancer, we must first pay attention to our diet and lifestyle habits, and consume more iodine-rich foods.

The 63-year-old aunt often had cramps in her hands, thinking that it was a lack of calcium in her body, and she couldn't stop crying after the examination: how is it cancer

Xiaobian has something to say: foods such as kelp, seaweed and other foods contain iodine, which is an element necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland.

With ultrasonography and thyroid function tests, problems can be detected early and treated promptly.

In addition, maintaining a good lifestyle and not stressing yourself too much can help reduce the risk of disease.

Pay more attention to your body, your body is the capital!