
Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

author:Golden Dragon Tiago


In an eye-catching event, the red-clothed cannon Zhou Hongyi once again said amazingly: "Entrepreneur, whether your face is thick enough determines how far you can go on the road of entrepreneurship!"

Zhou Hongyi pointed out that if entrepreneurs do not have sales experience, they cannot be thick-skinned. He emphasized that whether or not they can sell their products is the ultimate test for entrepreneurs. He admonished everyone who wants to start a business, whether you are doing product, technology or management, as an entrepreneur, you must do sales yourself. Selling isn't just about selling products, it's about validating whether your business model works.

Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

Zhou Hongyi further explained that in the early stage of entrepreneurship from 0 to 1, entrepreneurs must personally go into battle to do sales. He believes that VP sales can help build more sales channels as the company scales, but in the initial stage, entrepreneurs must personally reach out to customers to understand market needs and feedback. He encouraged entrepreneurs to learn to be Internet celebrities, make short videos and live broadcasts, so as to exercise their eloquence and ability to deal with people.

In the sales process, entrepreneurs can not only improve their sales ability, but also realize the shortcomings of the product through the experience of failure, and then make improvements. Zhou Hongyi emphasized that the failure of sales can make entrepreneurs realize that their ideas need to be revised, and the product is not so perfect. At the same time, it can also exercise the entrepreneur's heart, making him more tenacious and cheeky.

Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

However, the "cheeky" quality of Zhou Hongyi, who has successfully started a business, seems to be vividly embodied, and his recent series of actions have ushered in great controversy. Recently, Zhou Hongyi auctioned a second-hand Maybach at a sky-high price of 9.9 million yuan, from the starting price of 600 yuan to the transaction price of 9.9 million yuan, this incident has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions. What's even more surprising is that the owner of this Maybach is not Zhou Hongyi himself, but his ex-wife Hu Huan's company.

Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

The 360 Securities Department responded that Zhou Hongyi and Hu Huan were indeed in a state of divorce, and Maybach was registered in Hu Huan's name because Zhou Hongyi did not have a driver's license. Although the proceeds from the auction will be donated to charity, the incident has raised a high level of skepticism in the market. Last year, Zhou Hongyi announced his divorce from Hu Huan and divided 6.25% of his shares to Hu Huan, which was questioned as a "fake divorce and real reduction". Zhou Hongyi currently holds 13.26% of the company's shares.

Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

At the Beijing Auto Show, Zhou Hongyi's dialogue with Li Bin of NIO and Zeng Yuqun of CATL also attracted attention. Li Bin laughed and said that he "honestly built cars", implying that Zhou Hongyi was more of an Internet celebrity than an industrialist. It is very likely that Zhou Hongyi wants to speculate on the company's stock price by attracting traffic, and the practice of cashing out at a high level has also aroused doubts.

Zhou Hongyi: Entrepreneurs must be thick-skinned!

Zhou Hongyi's road to Internet celebrity is a double-edged sword, although it can quickly attract traffic and attention, but in the long run, whether Zhou Hongyi can find a balance between traffic and industry still needs time to test.

Zhou Hongyi's entrepreneurial experience and sales philosophy undoubtedly have important inspiration for entrepreneurs, but the motivation and practical operation behind it have also sparked extensive discussions. Entrepreneurs in the pursuit of success on the road, both to have a cheeky and sales ability, this is true, in the fierce business competition in addition to the need for sales ability of the most important need for integrity, hard work, innovation, management level and other comprehensive qualities, isn't it? What do you think? Do you think that real product quality and innovation, or sales ability, are the core factors for consumers to pay?