
It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

author:Peach Entertainment No. 1

Do you still remember the sensational "Celebrating More Than Years" five years ago? After five years, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" finally met the audience, but what I didn't expect was that this drama was unanimously badly received by the audience soon after it was launched. What happened to this originally highly anticipated sequel? Is the plot too watery, or is the actor not performing well? Or is it something else that makes this show a "bad building"? Let's find out below and see why "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is "planted" in the hearts of the audience.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The first season of "Celebrating More Than Years" has won the love of countless viewers with its twists and turns in the plot and profound character portrayal. However, the good times didn't last long, and when "Celebrating More Than Years 2" returned to the screen with the audience's high expectations, it seemed to have evolved into a disaster.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Let's start with the plot of the first episode. Presumably many viewers still remember the tense suspense and progressive plot of the first season, but at the beginning of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the audience was greeted by a puzzled scene. Fan Xian's "fake death" and resurrection in the play could have been the beginning of a climactic episode, but it was handled too hastily, making it feel like a fast-food plot advancement, both fast and shallow.

Moreover, the first episode showed too many clues and characters, which was intended to pave the way for the follow-up plot, but it seemed disorganized because of the amount of information. For example, Fan Xian's resurrection, Emperor Qing and Chen Pingping's abnormal performance, these are very different from the character settings in the first season. Emperor Qing, who was originally witty, became emotionally out of control this season, and Chen Pingping's mystery and depth also became a little funny.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Not only that, but the first episode is also interspersed with modern merchandise advertisements, such as the incomprehensible yogurt advertisement, which directly pulls the audience back to reality from the atmosphere of the ancient empire, which greatly destroys the immersion of watching the show.

What makes people laugh and cry is that Wang Qinian's daughter is named "Baba", this kind of name with modern Internet memes, although it may cause a burst of laughter among young audiences, but it is undoubtedly an embarrassment for audiences who pursue the depth of the plot and role.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Let's talk about the actors' makeup and performances. The second prince is played by Liu Duanduan, who in the first season he was still the same character who was both sinister and intelligent, but in the second season, his makeup was so thick that he was almost unrecognizable, more like he walked into a fashion show than an ancient court. This over-exaggerated styling makes people wonder what the art direction of the crew is based on.

As for the logical loopholes in the play, it is also a big surprise. For example, Emperor Qing's reaction to the news of Fan Xian's death, as well as Chen Pingping's various inappropriate actions, made the audience greatly discount the smart and calm image of these two people all along. This kind of reversal of the character's personality can't help but make people wonder: Is the screenwriter joking us?

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

Moreover, some details in the plot are also very stiff. For example, how Fan Xian was resurrected from death could have been a big suspense, but it was hastily mentioned in the play, and there was no reasonable explanation, which was unconvincing. This way of dealing with it is undoubtedly an insult to the audience's IQ.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The new characters are also not well developed and portrayed. They either appear abruptly or disappear for no reason, and their relevance and necessity to the main plot are questionable. This kind of character setup is more like a compromise that has to be made to fill the length of the episode.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

As for the special effects and scene layout in the play, compared to the sophistication of the first season, the second season seems to have declined. Some scenes that should have been shocking, because of the rough treatment of special effects, seem a little funny. This qualitative gap undoubtedly disappointed many expectant audiences.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The acting skills of the actors are also one of the key points of criticism from the audience. Although several of the leading actors still maintain a high level of acting skills, some of the new actors, perhaps because of the writing problems of the characters themselves, are too exaggerated and lack the necessary restraint and depth, making people feel more like watching a performance than a flesh and blood.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

All of this made the drama "Celebrating More Than Years 2" controversial at the beginning of the broadcast. From the plot to the characters, from the special effects to the acting, almost every link failed to meet the audience's expectations. Behind these problems, whether it is the slackness of the production team's creative attitude, or the lack of funds or time, or the misjudgment of market trends, are all worth pondering.

It's a big deal! "Celebrating More Than Years 2" received a lot of bad reviews when it was broadcast, and the reasons for the audience's bad reviews were surprisingly consistent

The blunder of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" reminds us that no matter how successful the predecessor was, there is no guarantee that the sequel will shine the same light. The audience's expectations are a double-edged sword, which can both push the series to a climax and turn to criticism because of dissatisfaction. The performance of this drama also allows us to see the dilemma of domestic dramas in sequels, and every link cannot be ignored. I hope that future production teams can learn from this experience, not only to continue the glory of the previous work, but also to work the content and quality, and truly strive for excellence.