
Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

author:Black beans

In recent years, it has been common for film and television dramas to change roles. In particular, the popular drama "Celebrating More Than Years", the actor replacement in the second season has aroused heated discussions and widespread attention from the audience. From Yi Guifei to Ye Ling'er, every role change tuggs at the heartstrings of the audience. Although most of the audience was open to some of the role changes, there were also some roles that caused a strong reaction. This article will disrupt the narrative structure in a more popular style, and explain in detail the stories behind these character changes and the audience's reactions.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

First of all, let's talk about the replacement of the role of Yi Guifei. Yi Guifei, played by Deng Tongtian, won the love of many audiences in the first season, and her acting skills were natural and her image fitted, which left a deep impression. However, the second season was taken over by Sui Junbo. As soon as this decision was announced, it was widely discussed. Fortunately, the audience reacted relatively positively to Sui Junbo's performance, believing that she was more in line with the temperament and setting of the role of Yi Guifei. With his superb acting skills and deep understanding of the role, Sui Junbo quickly won the recognition and love of the audience.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

In contrast, Yan Bingyun's change of role is relatively calm. Xiao Zhan's role as Yan Bingyun in the first season has won a large number of fans with his handsome appearance and solid acting skills. However, due to schedule problems, the second season was changed to Wu Xingjian. In this regard, the audience's reaction was relatively flat, and more of a wait-and-see attitude. It is generally believed that the change of actors will not have much impact on the role itself, and the key is to see how Wu Xingjian performs in the new season.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

Let's look at the replacement of the villain He Zongwei. Xiao Haoran played He Zongwei in the first season, and left a deep impression on the audience with his excellent villain image. In Season 2, Manifesto will take over this role. Both of them have strong villain temperament, and this change of role has aroused the curiosity and expectation of the audience. Many viewers expressed their hope to see Manifesto's new attempts in character building, and looked forward to him bringing new vitality and depth to the role of He Zongwei.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

Regarding the change of roles of King Jing's son, the audience seemed a little worried. In the first season, the prince of Jingwang, played by Liu Runnan, is deeply loved by the audience for his honest image and natural performance. After the second season was replaced by Wang Tianchen, the audience was worried that he would not be able to fully reproduce Liu Runnan's sense of simplicity, and that the character would lose its original charm because of this. In this regard, Wang Tianchen said that he will do his best to interpret this role and strive to live up to the audience's expectations.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

Among all the role changes, the most controversial is Ye Linger's change. In the first season, Ye Ling'er played by Han Jiunuo won the love of countless audiences with her sweet appearance and smart acting skills. However, in the second season, Jin Chen took over the role. Jin Chen, with his unique appearance and temperament, once aroused strong disgust from the audience. Many viewers believe that Jin Chen's plastic surgery face does not match the image of the original character, and it is difficult to accept this decision to change roles. In this regard, the crew said that they will respect the opinions of the audience and try to be consistent in the presentation of the characters.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

The deep meaning and challenge behind the role change. For the crew, every change of roles is a huge challenge, not only to consider the schedule and fit of the actors, but also to balance the audience's expectations and actual situation. Behind every decision, there are countless considerations and trade-offs. In terms of casting, the crew needs to respect the expectations of fans of the original work more, and strive to maintain the consistency and coherence of the characters to the greatest extent.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

In general, although the role change turmoil of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has sparked widespread discussion, it has also injected new vitality into this drama. The audience is open to most of the role changes, hoping that the new actors can bring different surprises and touches. However, for the replacement of some key roles, especially the role of Ye Ling'er, the audience's reaction was particularly strong. The crew needs to be more cautious and cautious in the face of such feedback, in order to deliver a satisfactory answer in the new season.

Yangba broadcasts "Celebrating More Than Years 2" tonight! endured the "related households", and I really couldn't bear the frequent plastic surgery faces

Looking forward to the future, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is about to usher in a new chapter. Whether it is Sui Junbo, Wu Xingjian, Declaration, or Wang Tianchen, the audience has high hopes for them. Hopefully, in the new season, these actors will be able to use their hard work and talent to continue to tell this story full of fantasy and adventure. Let's look forward to the arrival of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and look forward to it bringing us more touches and surprises. In the film and television industry, changing roles is undoubtedly a very controversial and challenging thing. Especially when this change occurs with a character that the audience is already deeply in love with, the audience's reactions are often complex and varied. The role change event of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is like a storm, which not only stirs up a magnificent wave of discussion, but also reveals the subtle and complex relationship between character creation and audience expectations in film and television production. Although there have been a lot of controversies and discussions about the replacement of roles such as Yi Guifei and Yan Bingyun, the audience was able to accept and give positive feedback to the new actors on the whole. This reflects the audience's search for a balance between traditional ideas and openness. They are willing to give new people a chance, but they also hope that these changes will bring new life to the story. However, not all roles are recognized so smoothly. The strong repercussions caused by Ye Linger's role change are a typical example. This controversy is not only due to the acceptance of Jin Chen's personal image, but also reflects the audience's respect and expectation for the integrity and coherence of the character. For many fans, they have developed an emotional bond with the characters in the series, and any changes to that bond that could be "damaging" will be resisted. When dealing with the problem of changing roles, the challenges faced by the crew of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" are also common problems in the film and television industry. How to balance the fidelity of the original work, the personal characteristics of the actors, and the expectations of the audience is a problem that every director and production team must consider. In addition, in the current context of highly developed social media and rapid dissemination of information, any decision to change roles may attract widespread attention and heated debate in a short period of time. This is not only a test of the crew's ability to deal with the PR crisis, but also their wisdom to find the best balance between artistic creation and commercial trade-offs. It can be seen from the role change incident in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" that in today's increasingly diversified and open cultural background, film and television production teams need to deal with sensitive issues such as actor replacement more delicately and thoughtfully. The need to respect the emotions of fans of the original book and the wider audience has become an indispensable consideration in their decision-making. Looking forward to the future, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and other similar dramas or film projects that face the challenge of changing roles will also lead the film and television industry to move towards a more mature and steady future as they continue to explore the road of character creation and storytelling. Only through continuous trial and error, learning and adjustment can we truly achieve a high balance that not only satisfies artistic expression, but also wins market recognition and touches the deep resonance point of the audience's heart. Sui Junbo, Wu Xingjian, Declaration, Wang Tianchen and other actors represent the courage and determination of the new generation of artists to pursue excellence under challenges and pressures. As "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and other works that have experienced the turmoil of changing roles are gradually revealed to the public, finding satisfactory answers in the collision of wonderful story continuity and fresh acting skills will become the common expectation of all participants, whether creators or audiences. Finally, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and its backs are surging with ωωωω??????????????????????? ηηηηηη?????? ‰‰‰‰‰‰?????? The chapter twists and turns in its own unique way to interpret the spirit of the youth of this era who strive to move forward, and at the same time provide us with a window to think about the importance of coping with changes and emotional investment in real life.