
After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

author:Little Red Riding Hood tells the story
After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

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In 1968, Zhao Zhongxiang and Zhang Meizhu finally entered the marriage hall after several years of long-distance love.

In order to devote themselves to their careers, they decided not to have children for a while. It was not until 1975 that Zhang Meizhu gave birth to a son for Zhao Zhongxiang, named Zhao Fang.

As extremely loving parents, they have been looking forward to their son being able to move forward steadily, enter the marriage hall as soon as possible and create his own brilliant career, so they have given Zhao Fang extremely high expectations and eager care!

Zhao Fang's life path can be described as smooth sailing, intelligent and studious, and he devoted himself to the IT industry as an adult, and with his outstanding wisdom and perseverance, he eventually achieved remarkable achievements in his career.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

However, he was too involved in his work and always turned a blind eye to the marriage event, which made Zhao Zhongxiang and his wife very worried.

Whenever the festival comes, they always patiently persuade their son, hoping that Zhao Fang can find his happy home as soon as possible.

The marriage, which once ended without a problem, finally ushered in a new turn under the enthusiastic mediation of his friend Ni Ping.

After careful consideration, Ni Ping carefully selected a perfect partner for Zhao Fang, and to everyone's surprise, Zhao Fang, who has always been indifferent to marriage, accepted it without hesitation this time, and quickly completed all the preparations for the wedding.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Seeing all this, Zhao Zhongxiang's heart was full of joy, and at the same time, he also had a deep expectation, hoping that the partner his son chose this time was really the person he was destined to be.

Zhao Zhongxiang has been fruitful and famous in his career along the way, and he should have been smooth sailing towards the peak of his life.

However, who would have thought that in 2004, a sudden "Rao Ying incident" hit like a storm, rolling him into the unknown whirlpool, and smearing a shocking stain on the original innocent life path of this TV celebrity.

The cause of this incident turned out to be this: Rao Ying is a traditional Chinese medicine health nurse at CCTV, mainly responsible for treating common diseases such as cervical spondylosis and lumbar spine pain for announcers.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Once, Zhao Zhongxiang suffered from cervical spine discomfort due to standing for a long time, so he sought her help.

Since then, however, the relationship between the two has become intricate, and the cuts are messy.

Soon after, Rao Ying suddenly issued a public statement, accusing Zhao Zhongxiang of not only sexually harassing her, but also the two had a secret relationship for seven years.

In order to increase the credibility of the accusation, Rao Ying even did not hesitate to come up with some so-called "ironclad evidence": she made public a recording that was said to have been recorded by Zhao Zhongxiang back then;

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

In addition, she also showed a stack of loan slips written by Zhao Zhongxiang himself, claiming that Zhao Zhongxiang was trying to defraud her of her property, but in the end he ruthlessly abandoned her.

Faced with such an "ironclad evidence" accusation, as Zhao Zhongxiang's virtuous helper, Zhang Meizhu was deeply in endless pain and resentment.

However, she resolutely and decisively chose to trust and support her husband unreservedly, and had a firm belief in Zhao Zhongxiang's noble character and steadfast moral bottom line.

With Zhang Meizhu's wholehearted support, Zhao Zhongxiang bravely resisted and brought Rao Ying to the palace of law.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

After two years of long litigation, it is undoubtedly the darkest and most painful period in Zhao Zhongxiang's life. But it was during these difficult years that Zhang Meizhu silently provided a solid backing for her husband with her broad mind and firm love.

In the end, in the face of sufficient factual basis and conclusive evidence, the court sought justice for Zhao Zhongxiang.

When the news of winning the lawsuit came, Zhao Zhongxiang was full of emotion, turned around and hugged his wife tightly, and was full of deep apologies and sincere gratitude for her loyalty, understanding and tolerance.

successfully survived the shadow of the "Rao Ying incident", and Zhao Zhongxiang's later life finally ushered in bright sunshine. However, as parents, they are still most concerned about the marriage of their son Zhao Fang.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Zhao Fang, who has entered the marriageable age, is indifferent to the marriage event, which makes the two old people worried.

Zhao Zhongxiang knows that as a father, his greatest wish is to see his son start a family and continue the family bloodline.

However, Zhao Fang was busy with work all day long, ignoring the marriage event, and even if he was persuaded by his parents, he only dealt with it hastily.

This made Zhao Zhongxiang feel extremely anxious, lest the offspring he had worked so hard to cultivate would be cut off.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Fortunately, my friend Ni Ping reached out. As a colleague who has worked together for many years, Ni Ping has witnessed Zhao Fang's growth from childhood to adulthood, and has a deep affection for this child.

She knew the expectations of Zhao Zhongxiang and his wife, so she privately found an ideal partner for Zhao Fang.

This good couple is a cousin introduced by Ni Ping herself. After careful consideration, Ni Ping believes that this cousin is gentle, kind, and knowledgeable, which is just in line with Zhao Fang's personality characteristics, and is a very suitable candidate.

What is surprising is that Zhao Fang, who has always been indifferent to marriage matters, accepted Ni Ping's arrangement this time, and the wedding matter was quickly implemented.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Soon after Zhao Fang's wedding, good news continued one after another. In 2012, Zhao Zhongxiang's daughter-in-law successfully became pregnant and gave birth to Lin'er, bringing the last generous gift in the life of the elderly couple.

Facing the joy of his newborn grandson, Zhao Zhongxiang, who has entered his old age, once again realized the infinite beauty of life and the value of existence.

Since then, Zhao Zhongxiang seems to be a different person, and his grandson has become the most precious treasure in his heart.

He treats it as his own, does not care about paying a huge price to meet all the needs of his grandson, even if his body is already rickety, he will fly to his son's house every week, rain or shine, to accompany and educate his grandson, and give him endless love and care.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

"I am willing to give everything I have to create a great fortune for him." Zhao Zhongxiang affectionately expressed his wishes. He was filled with deep gratitude for this blessing from fate.

However, although Zhao Zhongxiang's old age was full of family joy because of the arrival of his grandson, fate always likes to play tricks on people and bring unpredictable changes. At the end of 2019, this old man, who had already entered his old age, suddenly found an abnormal redness and swelling at the base of his thigh.

At first, Zhao Zhongxiang just thought that he might have been bitten by some kind of insect and didn't pay much attention to it. However, as time went on, he began to cough frequently, which caused his wife Zhang Meizhu to be highly vigilant.

Under Zhang Meizhu's repeated persuasion, he finally agreed to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

However, the results of the examination were like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, hitting everyone's hearts heavily - Zhao Zhongxiang was diagnosed with terminal cancer and is expected to live only about half a year to live.

Hearing this bad news, Zhang Meizhu was grief-stricken, and could hardly bear the cruel reality of her husband's imminent death.

In the last half year of Zhao Zhongxiang's remaining half a year, Zhang Meizhu was like a strong soldier, waiting by the bedside day and night, taking care of Zhao Zhongxiang's daily life with all her heart, and serving her husband with the greatest patience and care.

Her eyes were sunken and her body was emaciated, and she seemed to be even more exhausted than Zhao Zhongxiang himself.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Life passes quietly in this limited time. Realizing that his time was short, Zhao Zhongxiang invited his best friend Ni Ping to come and solemnly wrote his will under her witness.

And the content of this will was unexpected.

The will clearly stipulates that Zhao Zhongxiang's huge property of up to 500 million yuan will be fully vested in his newborn grandson, and his wife Zhang Meizhu, son Zhao Fang, and daughter-in-law will get nothing.

The decision was made after this weigh-off, and it was incredible! As Zhao Zhongxiang's wife, Zhang Meizhu can't share any inheritance? In fact, as early as in the previous careful consideration, Zhao Zhongxiang had secretly arranged it, and Zhang Meizhu also expressed her understanding and approval.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

If a huge inheritance is left to Zhang Meizhu, if she dies a few years later, then she will inevitably need to make a will again for distribution. Such repeated twists and turns not only consume energy, but may also lead to disputes within the family.

On the other hand, passing on a huge inheritance directly to future generations can kill two birds with one stone, which not only solves the worries of the future, but also ensures the continuation of family wealth for generations.

Although Zhao Fang and his daughter-in-law were full of reluctance when they read the will, they still followed their father's last wish and went all out to train their grandson to become a talent.

As for Zhang Meizhu, as Zhao Zhongxiang's wife, they have gone through decades of ups and downs hand in hand, and Zhao Zhongxiang has already made proper arrangements for her life security before her death.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Faced with the death of Zhao Zhongxiang, Zhang Meizhu experienced an unforgettable period of grief. During those days, she was immersed in endless grief, and tears almost burned her eyes.

Whenever she sees Zhao Zhongxiang's cherished calligraphy, paintings, photos and collectibles, she can't help but cry bitterly and feel a lot of emotion.

As a son, Zhao Fang cherished deep love for his mother, and sincerely invited Zhang Meizhu to move in with him many times, hoping to alleviate his mother's pain. However, every time Zhang Meizhu always tearfully declined, showing great courage and determination.

She knew she had to face the brutal reality of losing her husband. So, Zhang Meizhu waited alone in the old mansion where they had spent a good time. In order to give her son peace of mind, she began to actively seek joy and vitality in life.

After Zhao Zhongxiang died of illness, he looked at the choice of his widow Zhang Meizhu to know how wise the couple were

Every morning, she would get up early, take a leisurely walk downstairs or in the community, greet her neighbors cordially, and talk about family life. Sometimes, she would invite a few old friends to the market to buy fresh ingredients.

Although life seems to be as plain as water, Zhang Meizhu's inner world has gradually ushered in the sunshine. Over time, she gradually learns to accept and adapt to the harsh reality of her husband's death.

The news of Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang's death undoubtedly brought us great grief, but she cherished the beautiful years spent with Zhao Zhongxiang and walked hand in hand through dozens of cold and summer.