
It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

author:Chic students

In the fast-paced modern life, the Internet is like a ubiquitous personal trainer, making fitness anytime, anywhere. But when the news came that the elderly man in Chongqing who loved life was accidentally injured due to an online fitness challenge, it not only touched our sympathy, but also a deep reflection on the pursuit of national health. In this surging fitness craze, how to enjoy the convenience brought by science and technology, and ensure safety and science together? It's a topic worth savoring, especially for those of us in our 30s and 50s who have experienced the world and know more about the beauty of balance.

Customized Fitness: Tailor-made wisdom

It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

Unlike the impulses of youth, our age pursues both health and elegance. This means that every sweat should be a precise conversation about your own body. Not all popular moves are for everyone. Just as tailor-made tailors, our fitness programs need to be carefully designed according to the individual's physique and health condition. Before trying a new fitness trend, talk to your family doctor or professional fitness consultant and let science be your personal escort.

Distinguish between right and wrong, and be a wise man in the ocean of information

It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

The online world is as vast as the sea, and fitness information is even more mixed. As mature readers, we should have a pair of discerning eyes and learn to sift through the vast amount of information. Pay attention to certified fitness platforms and experienced fitness experts, whose advice is often more down-to-earth and can effectively avoid the pitfalls of fitness that seem quick but are actually dangerous.

Safety-based, slow work and meticulous work

It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

While pursuing physical beauty, we should pay more attention to the value of health itself. As the old saying goes, "Sickness comes like a mountain, and illness goes like a thread." "It's the same with fitness, it's counterproductive to rush for quick success. Choose the intensity that suits you, work your way up, and enjoy the joy of every bit of progress. Remember, real change always happens in those seemingly ordinary but persistent days.

Embrace a holistic and healthy philosophy of living

It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

Health is not only the lines of muscles, but also the pleasure of the soul and the quality of life. Eating a balanced diet, having a regular schedule, and having a positive mindset are the cornerstones of health that cannot be ignored. Let's find our own quiet corner in the busy, whether it is yoga meditation or an early morning walk, it is a gentle wait for the beauty of life.

Conclusion: Wisdom and fitness, enjoy life

It's horrible! The man hangs his neck exercise and hangs himself! Witness: Blood spurted all over the ground!

In the long and wonderful journey of fitness, may we all be our best guides and choose the most suitable path for ourselves with wisdom. Health is never a sprint, but a long marathon. Let's pay more attention to inner strength and harmony while pursuing a beautiful form, and work together to write a healthy chapter for our age.

It is not recommended to blindly exercise, I hope that the majority of netizens will not blindly follow the trend when they see fitness videos!!