
Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

author:Zhenzi Kukugan
Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

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In the stormy and gossip-ridden royal family in Britain, it can really be said to be a good show.

As the saying goes, "The royal ceremony is more interesting than a soap opera." ”

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

At this gorgeous award ceremony, there were some episodes, and it became the British version of the "palace fighting drama".

No, Kate's three little princesses are bright and lovely on weekdays, but this time they suddenly disappeared from the public eye.

The common people were gossiping for a while, and they all guessed, is there any mystery in this?

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

It's not just the common people who are curious, but even the top gossip masters are also flashlighting, trying to illuminate this mystery that has been annihilated in the deep palace of the royal family.

After all, finding a convincing answer is not an easy task.

It's like searching for a lost crown in the fog of London, full of unknowns and challenges.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

Charles's Honour Ceremony was originally a prestigious occasion, and everyone was waiting to enjoy the annual royal event.

Unexpectedly, the absence of the sons and daughters of Kensington Palace instead competed for the spotlight.

People started whispering and talking.

The current royal family is like a silent stage, there are always some characters who should appear but don't, and some characters rush to the front of the stage silently.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

At this award ceremony, the role that should have been assumed by Kate's children was replaced by the children of the Ross family, which is really surprising.

Even the relationship between Charles and Camilla, which seems to be Qin Se and Ming, is actually surging.

After all, to control this royal stage, the royal title alone is not enough, the behind-the-scenes support is the trump card.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

Camilla may also understand this, and her reliance on Rose's children may not only be because of their cuteness, but also because of other deeper intentions.

The sudden "invisibility" of Princess Kate's three children is inextricably linked to the treatment she received.

Coupled with the collapse of her own company, it was another major misfortune in misfortune.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

In desperation, could it be that this duchess from a commoner really had to face the ups and downs of the court alone?

It's a pity that the royal fairy tale that fans were full of longing for back then now looks more like a suspenseful script.

And this script was carefully planned by unknown behind-the-scenes forces.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

In the final analysis, this royal family award ceremony is on par with those royal dramas on TV.

Every twist of the plot is full of suspense and drama.

The gorgeousness in front of the camera and the conspiracy behind the camera are all overwhelming suspicions and discussions.

Kate's three children are hidden in the snow! At Charles's award ceremony, let Rose's children carry red robes!

So, viewers, what do you think of this royal investiture drama? Or can you guess who will be the protagonist of the next play? Hurry up, let's discuss together, our discussion here will never go down.