
China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

author:Yi Feng

I have to talk about Kawasaki Heavy Industries' "big spending"

Speaking of leaders in the automotive industry, we all know the reputation of Japanese cars that are resistant to leather. Toyota cars can drive "not bad", Honda's "Earth Dream", as well as the technology of Mazda and Mitsubishi, there are too many of them.

So if you tell me that the Japanese who drink tea and watch the cherry blossoms actually buy our domestic Chery engines in a big way, how surprising it would be!

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

But it's not nonsense, it's really not false. Speaking of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, this is the world's heavyweight big brother-level player, in the manufacturing industry it is like thunder, people wave their hands, "Come on, come on, give me 7,000 Chery engines!" "Is this spectacular, you say?

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

How can this be embarrassing, in the past, those foreign media who said that "China can't build an engine in 50 years", now I am afraid that they have to quickly change their words, who called Chery engines, we have sold them to people's doorsteps.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Obviously, the technical level of Chery engine is not covered, otherwise how could Kawasaki come to pick wool for several years in a row? This not only means Chery's technological strength, but also reflects the gradual shortening of the distance between China and Japan on the front line of self-owned brand car manufacturing.

Let's talk about the amazing 4j16 and SQR372 engines

Let's talk about Chery's 4J16 engine, this thing is the first domestic machine with National VI emissions, and it is also direct injection technology. Overseas markets have praised it. The self-developed 8AT gearbox, the recognition of foreign users, it takes care of the use environment of different countries, according to local conditions! Can that still be called a follower?

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Now let's talk about the Chery SQR372 engine that is incomprehensible. This low gasoline consumption and ability to reduce emissions are exactly what Kawasaki Heavy Industries is looking for when purchasing Chery engines. Cost-effective, strong comprehensive strength, Chery is a vegetarian!

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

"Durable" and cost-effective in the eyes of the Japanese

Everyone knows that Japanese cars are durable, but why are they interested in Chery's engines? It's really that sentence, excellent technology and high cost performance.

Foreign data show that Chery engines can run 7 or 800,000 kilometers without major repairs, and their durability is not inferior, which can impress the Japanese who pay attention to quality. In terms of fuel consumption, Chery's 2.0T engine is also very attractive compared with Honda's 1.5T, and it should be said that it is not an exaggeration to compare.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Do you think Chery's engine is durable?

Looking ahead, Chery has entered the new energy vehicle market

Although Chery has made great achievements in traditional fuel vehicle technology, in the face of the impact of the wave of new energy vehicles, Chery and China's own brand car companies still need to continue to explore and progress.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Japan's purchase of Chery engines in large quantities not only proves Chery's strength, but also provides valuable experience for China's automobile industry to make technical reserves and meet the new energy era.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Although new energy vehicles have today's development results, fuel vehicle technology still cannot be slowed down. For Chery engines to be purchased in large quantities by Japan, it is not only a commercial act, but also a witness to the steady progress of domestic automobiles on the road of technology.

Japan's recognition of Chery engine has undoubtedly given the domestic auto industry a shot in the arm. Now, under the eyes of those who once disdained China's own brands, Chery has made a beautiful comeback by relying on its strength.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

In the final analysis, Chery still has a long way to go in the pursuit of excellence, but judging from this achievement, Chery's engine is shining on the world stage. has been able to gain a firm foothold, get rid of the shadow of the imitation of the past, real money is smashed on research and development, and the results are showing one after another.

There is still a long way to go, and Chery has to take one step at a time to stabilize every step. The competition in overseas markets is unrelenting, which also puts forward higher requirements for Chery. However, the current momentum of development can make people feel a lot more relieved, and Chery's "engine export to Japan" is not just a slogan, but a billboard that is gradually gaining a foothold in the international market.

Chery, a Chinese brand that is gaining a foothold in the global automotive market

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

It can be seen that Chery is not only doing well in China, its light has shone on the international stage, and it has shown stronger and stronger strength and competitiveness. This is not only a victory for Chery, but also a victory for the entire Chinese independent car brand.

At the same time, we also see the future of China's auto industry - in the near future, more "Made in China" will go global, representing the country's industrial level and innovation capabilities.

To sum up

The above is the story behind the fact that Japan took 7,000 engines from Chery. A story that not only shows Chery's strength as a Chinese independent brand, but also reflects the rise and future direction of China's automobile industry.

China VS Japan: How does Chery Engine break the pattern of traditional car companies?

Chery's engines going overseas is not only a simple "export" behavior, but also a strong proof that Made in China is moving forward steadily on the global stage.

If you're interested, let's talk about it, what do you think about it? See you in the comments section and let's discuss!

(The above views are those of the author and do not necessarily represent a position.) Please be sensible)

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