
What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

author:Jiajia trendy thing


In this communication battlefield without gunpowder, why did China Mobile's user groups turn away one after another, is it a loss of service or a dilemma of price? When the loss of 510,000 users is just the beginning, we can't help but ask: what forces can influence the final choice of consumers on the balance between loyalty and disappointment? And China Telecom and China Unicom, can they find their own Noah's Ark in the storm? Does all this indicate that the communications industry is about to usher in earth-shaking changes? Let's dive in and find out.

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

The Shadow of the Giant: The Mystery of China Mobile's User Loss

In this fast-paced era, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's lives, and the service quality of operators directly affects everyone's communication experience. When it comes to the communications industry, China Mobile used to be a giant in this vast world, with the largest number of users. But recently, a piece of news like a bolt from the blue, shook the entire industry - China Mobile encountered an unprecedented wave of user churn, in just a few months, 510,000 users waved goodbye, the number continued to rise, people can't help but ask: "China Mobile has fallen, China Telecom and Unicom, the other two heroes of the communication rivers and lakes, can they still sit firmly in the Diaoyutai?" The ancients said: "Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn a boat." "The user's choice is undoubtedly the most direct judgment of the enterprise. What forces are driving this "user migration"? Is 510,000 really just the tip of the iceberg?

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

Voice of the User: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Escape of Mobile Users

Having said that, this wave of user churn is no accident. In today's information explosion, the life of mobile phones is bound, and the cost of changing mobile phone numbers is frighteningly high, and canceling a number is almost equivalent to reconstructing digital identity. If you are not forced to be helpless, who wants to easily give up the "digital partner" who has been with you for many years? However, some of China Mobile's practices in recent years have chilled countless old users.

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

First of all, the traps of package upgrades are frequent, like gentle shackles, so that old users are deeply trapped in them. From the 10 yuan basic package to the 100 yuan "luxury package", it seems that the network is upgraded and the traffic is increased, but it is actually the invisible pressure of doubling the cost. Especially with the advent of the 5G era, the demand for traffic has skyrocketed, and the mobile package design always seems to be testing the user's mathematical ability.

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

In addition, value-added services are like a sweet burden, and the free traffic, tablets, and mobile phones sound tempting, but in fact they hide imperceptible binding terms, and if you are not careful, additional fees will quietly climb up the bill. What's more, it is difficult to change the package, and the "face change" of the customer service attitude makes the original simple appeal extremely complicated, and the user experience plummets.

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

Taking the personal experience of an ordinary user as an example, I originally thought it was an intimate traffic package recommendation, but it turned out to be a trap of automatic upgrade package, the phone bill did not decrease but increased, and the attitude of customer service to deal with problems added fuel to the fire, which made people feel deeply "big store bullying customers". This unpleasantness eventually converged into a powerful force that pushed users to vote with their feet and choose to "escape".

What happened to China Mobile? With the loss of 510,000 subscribers, can China Telecom Unicom seize the opportunity? ”

Behind this, is the awakening of consumer consciousness, the desire for fair trade, and the call for sincere service. On social media, there have been many discussions about mobile services and number porting, reflecting not only dissatisfaction with one company, but also an issue that the entire industry needs to face up.

Industry Mirror: Reshaping Services and Drawing a New Blueprint for the Future of Communications

China Mobile's stumbling is not only a mistake in business strategy, but also a wake-up call to all service industries. It tells us that no matter how brilliant it once was, if we ignore the real needs of our users, we will pay a heavy price. In today's increasingly prominent consumer sovereignty, only by being sincere and providing transparent, convenient and cost-effective services can we win the long-term favor of the market.

"Don't forget the past, the teacher of the future." For China Telecom and China Unicom, China Mobile's predicament is both a warning and an opportunity. How to learn from this, optimize services, innovate models, and be user-centric is the key to avoiding repeating the mistakes of the past. For the majority of users, every choice is a vote, and it is time to use our actions to tell the market: respect and trust are always the most valuable assets in the business world.

Finally, let us hope that in this user-led change, China's communications industry can be a phoenix and usher in a more equitable, healthy and vibrant new era. After all, only when the voice of users is truly heard, will the spring of the industry truly come.

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