
This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...

author:Lele sees the world


In life, we will always encounter all kinds of difficulties and challenges, and sometimes these difficulties can even make us feel hopeless, but only by facing them bravely can we find a way out of the problem.

Trust and communication are also crucial in family relationships, and when we encounter problems, we should be honest and honest with each other and solve them together.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...

In philanthropy, despite good intentions, it is also necessary to comply with the law and avoid illegal acts that may cause unnecessary trouble.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...

The support and understanding of society is also an important force to overcome difficulties, and we should have the courage to seek help and support from the outside world.

Recently, a story about a series of misunderstandings and challenges between Lin Waner and her husband Li Hao has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Lin Waner is a charity worker, and her husband Li Hao is a taxi driver, the two have been married for ten years, Lin Waner has been engaged in charity work since marriage, and Li Hao is also very supportive of Lin Waner's work.

However, due to the nature of Lin Waner's work, she often needs to travel around, so the two don't spend a lot of time together, but the relationship between the two has always been very harmonious.

However, not long ago, Lin Wan'er suddenly found that her husband Li Hao left home in a hurry in the early morning and took away his mobile phone, which made Lin Wan'er feel very confused and uneasy.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...

1. Leave home in a hurry in the early morning.

Lin Wan'er and Li Hao have always trusted each other, but Li Hao left home in a hurry in the early morning without leaving any news for Lin Wan'er, which made Lin Wan'er a little worried.

So Lin Wan'er opened Li Hao's mobile phone, wanting to see if there were any clues in his mobile phone, but Li Hao's mobile phone was set with a password, Lin Wan'er thought about it and guessed the password of Li Hao's mobile phone, she tried to enter it, and sure enough, she opened the mobile phone.

Lin Wan'er opened Li Hao's mobile phone and saw his whereabouts, it turned out that Li Hao went to a supermarket, and also bought a lot of food and supplies, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but be more puzzled, why did Li Hao go to the supermarket in the early morning?

Lin Wan'er felt that something was wrong, so she called Li Hao, but Li Hao's phone was always turned off, so Lin Wan'er had to do it herself and go to the supermarket to check it.

Lin Wan'er came to the supermarket, and sure enough, she found a lot of food and supplies that Li Hao bought, Lin Wan'er couldn't help but be even more puzzled, she hurriedly called Li Hao's friend, wanting to ask Li Hao's whereabouts, but Li Hao's friend told Lin Wan'er that they didn't know where Li Hao was now.

Lin Wan'er felt even more uneasy, she didn't know what Li Hao was doing, so she decided to follow Li Hao's whereabouts to see what he was doing.

Lin Wan'er followed Li Hao's whereabouts, and finally came to a school in a mountainous area, Lin Wan'er saw Li Hao, Li Hao was distributing food and supplies to the school's children, it turned out that Li Hao was doing charity activities.

When Lin Wan'er saw Li Hao's whereabouts, she finally put her mind at ease, she stepped forward and said to Li Hao, "What's wrong with you, what are you doing here in the early morning?"

Li Hao was a little embarrassed when he saw Lin Wan'er, and he quickly explained: "This is the material that I raised with my friends, and we are going to send it to the children in the mountainous areas, you see, how happy these children are."

Lin Wan'er listened to Li Hao's explanation, and finally understood that Li Hao was doing charity activities, and she was also proud of Li Hao's behavior, but she reminded Li Hao: "You can't do this, you haven't been approved, this is an illegal act, and we must deal with it in time."

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...

2. Charitable activities encounter legal issues.

Li Hao and Lin Wan'er are both working hard for the cause of kindness, but Lin Wan'er's reminder made Li Hao a little overwhelmed, he said: "I know this is illegal, but I can't help it, the living conditions of these children are too poor, I just want to help them."

Lin Wan'er knew Li Hao's distress, she comforted Li Hao and said: "I know your heart, but we can't break the law because of a good heart, we have to abide by the law, so that we can better help others, don't worry, I will help you deal with it."

Lin Wan'er made a legal application for Li Hao's charity activities, and after the approval of the relevant departments, Lin Wan'er and Li Hao's charity activities were finally recognized, which made Li Hao and Lin Wan'er feel very gratified.

Lin Wan'er and Li Hao's charity activities were recognized, but it wasn't the only difficulty they encountered, and they were later involved in a car accident while raising supplies for children in the mountains.

In a charity event, Lin Wan'er and Li Hao were in a car accident when they were delivering supplies to children in the mountainous area, and Lin Wan'er and Li Hao were both injured, but they did not give up, they treated their own injuries while helping others.

After their efforts, everyone was finally rescued, although the car accident caused a certain amount of damage, but their good deeds were supported and understood by the society, which made Lin Waner and Li Hao feel very gratified.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...


A series of misunderstandings and challenges occurred between Lin Waner and Li Hao, but in the end, they both firmly devoted themselves to charity, and we were deeply moved by the hardships and dedication.

In the face of difficulties and challenges, courage and tenacity are the key to overcoming difficulties, and only by facing them bravely can we find a way out of the problem.

This morning, after making out with my husband, he went out at three o'clock in the morning, and when he left...