
The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

author:Xunya Medical Health

"Wu Xiulan, your examination results show that there is a tumor about three centimeters in the rectum."

The doctor's words were calm, but they stinged the hearts of 58-year-old Wu Xiulan and her family.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

Wu Xiulan, a well-known furniture designer, is quite popular in the industry for her unique design style.

However, she has been ignoring the subtle signals of her body all these years, blaming all her discomfort on aging and work pressure.

On weekdays, her life is full of busyness and creative fun, and she hardly has time to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

Until recently, persistent abdominal pain and bloating forced her children to take her to the hospital.

After being diagnosed, she was shocked by the news of rectal cancer, and she wept bitterly and regretted: "It's all my fault for being careless, I should have paid attention to these symptoms in the early years." ”

At the hospital, she met a doctor with a great sense of humor, Dr. Lee, who lightened the atmosphere of the ward in his own unique way.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

When Dr. Li explained Wu Xiulan's condition, he not only explained the medical knowledge of rectal cancer in detail, but also mentioned a point of view: the relationship between early prevention of rectal cancer and outdoor activities.

"People who spend a lot of time outdoors generally have higher levels of vitamin D due to more exposure to sunlight and fresh air, which is associated with a lower risk of rectal cancer," he mentions. ”

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

The doctor went on to tell Wu that vitamin D intake has been shown to reduce the risk of many types of cancer.

According to a study involving more than 50,000 people, people with high vitamin D levels had a 28% lower incidence of rectal cancer than those with low vitamin D levels.

Dr. Li used this data mainly to highlight the potential benefits of outdoor activities in preventing rectal cancer.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

Wu Xiulan was deeply inspired to realize that she had neglected the importance of outdoor activities for so many years.

Despite being terminally ill of cancer, she decided to change her lifestyle and increase her outdoor activities in hopes of providing a glimmer of hope for treatment.

Dr. Lee also recounts a middle-aged man who hikes a lot, and despite having a family history of rectal cancer, his regular outdoor activities seem to have helped him delay the progression of his condition.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

This case further validates Dr. Lee's view that proper outdoor activities may have a preventive effect on rectal cancer.

Dr Lee also emphasised the importance of eating a healthy diet on a daily basis, especially the amount of fibre in the diet.

He mentioned that fiber intake is directly linked to a reduced risk of rectal cancer, and studies have shown that a high-fiber diet can reduce the risk of rectal cancer by up to 40%.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

These medical knowledge and examples gave Wu Xiulan a deeper understanding of her condition and inspired her to start being more positive about her health.

She decided to change her lifestyle habits and increase her outdoor activities and fiber intake at the same time as her treatment.

We know that outdoor activity and a healthy diet have some benefits in preventing rectal cancer, but can these lifestyle changes be effective in prolonging survival for patients who have already been diagnosed?

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

A range of studies have shown that lifestyle changes, especially increased outdoor activities and improved eating habits.

These modalities can indeed improve the quality of life for patients with cancer who have already been diagnosed and may help prolong survival.

For example, one study found that those who exercised regularly and followed a healthy diet had significantly higher overall survival rates than those who did not change their lifestyles.

The 58-year-old eldest sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer and regretted crying: I have long had symptoms in my body, and I blame my carelessness

This shows the importance of lifestyle changes in cancer management, not only for prevention, but also for patients who have already been diagnosed.

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