
The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

author:Happy cheese tells history

If the provinces of China today were still in charge of their own affairs, as they were in the Republic of China, with their own local forces and factions, what would it be like, and if we went back to the magnificent history of the early years of the Republic of China, at the beginning of the last century, how did the southern provinces confront the powerful government in the north under the control of the revolutionaries, and how did they seek their own development and survival in the midst of internal and external troubles?

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

In the early days of the founding of the Republic of China, the political map of China's north and south was changing. In the south, in particular, many provinces were still under the control of the revolutionaries, who insisted on their political positions and administrative autonomy despite pressure from the central government. Among them, Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Anhui became the bastions of the revolution, showing independence and stubbornness that were different from those in the north.

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

Jiangxi, under the leadership of Li Liejun, can be described as surging. The first major event after Li Liejun took office was to carry out a drastic personnel change, replacing almost all the original officials and replacing them with a group of new officials who were loyal to the revolutionary idea. This is not only a personnel change, but also an ideological reshuffle. They also set up a government council to allow various departments to work together more efficiently, and truly achieve the unity of government decrees.

Hu Hanmin in Guangdong is a different story. Although he once advocated a transition of power, he soon realized that doing so could damage the great cause of the republic. Upon his reinstatement as governor of Canton, he immediately took action to reappoint all important posts and ensure that they were filled by members of the revolutionary party. From the general manager to the responsible persons of various important departments, all of them were confidants of the same party, and this practice undoubtedly strengthened his control over Guangdong.

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

In Anhui, when Bai Wenwei was in power, the political struggle was extremely fierce. In the early days of his tenure, Bai Wenwei appointed a number of radical revolutionaries to key positions, some of whom went on to become important figures in the Chinese Communist Party. Bai Wenwei's policy was to maintain revolutionary enthusiasm while showing flexibility and courage in practical governance, and his government achieved a significant increase in administrative efficiency in a short period of time.

These southern provinces, under the leadership of the League, not only demonstrated unusual courage and wisdom politically, but also were unique in military and financial terms. Jiangxi, Guangdong, and Anhui have all adjusted their military strength according to the actual situation, and disarmament is not only for the purpose of saving money, but also to enhance the combat effectiveness of the armed forces so that they can focus more on defending local security and stability. In terms of finance, the provinces have also carried out corresponding reforms, trying to improve their economic independence and reduce their dependence on the central government.

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

Against this backdrop, the policies and actions of the southern provinces are not only aimed at self-preservation, but also as a challenge to the governments of the north. By strengthening the power of local governments, they are actually carrying out a kind of "bottom-up construction". This kind of power construction from the local to the central government not only ensures the interests of the local government, but also casts an important chess piece for China's future political structure.

This strong sense of local autonomy is not without its risks. Since the policies and interests of the provinces may not be aligned, this "siloed" situation also laid the groundwork for later political consolidation. The leaders of each province have their own political ambitions and plans, which also adds to the uncertainty and complexity of politics to a certain extent. Many divisions in history began with the strength of local forces.

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

But even so, this part of the history of the southern provinces is still remembered by posterity. They are groping their way along a different path than the governments of the North, trying to find a stable path of development in the midst of a volatile political situation. This kind of effort is undoubtedly worthy of respect and learning. Their story is not just a political struggle, but also a vivid case of how to seek a breakthrough in the face of adversity.

The confrontation between the north and the south details the southern provinces controlled by the confederacy, the constitutionalists and the old bureaucracy in the early days of the Republic of China

Looking back on this period of history, it is not difficult for us to find that whether it is Li Liejun in Jiangxi, Hu Hanmin in Guangdong, or Bai Wenwei in Anhui, they all showed extraordinary courage and wisdom in an extremely complex political environment. They not only kept the flame of revolution at bay, but also made no small contribution to local stability and development in terms of practical policies and actions. Although their approach is sometimes controversial, their original intentions and efforts deserve the understanding and respect of each and every one of us. Their stories are not just history, but also an inspiration that tells us that in the face of any difficulties and challenges, we should not give up easily, but should stick to our beliefs and work hard for a better future.