
Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

author:Tang Jiazhen

Uncle Li, a 65-year-old retired teacher, firmly believes that walking 10,000 steps a day can bring longevity. Recently, however, he has been experiencing symptoms of low back pain and weight loss. After a hospital examination, he was unfortunately diagnosed with advanced lung cancer bone metastasis. This case has led us to think deeply about the health of the elderly, especially for some specific groups of the elderly, walking may not be the best choice.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

Walking, as a low-impact aerobic exercise, is a great form of exercise for most seniors. It can help improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build muscle strength, and improve physical coordination, while also helping to relieve stress and improve mood. However, for a specific group like Uncle Li, a walk may not be the best option. Their physical condition may not be suitable for long periods of aerobic exercise, or walking may aggravate their condition.

In addition, walking, although a low-intensity exercise, also requires a certain amount of physical strength and endurance. For the elderly, their physical function gradually declines, and the flexibility and stability of joints and bones are also affected. Therefore, when choosing a walk as a form of exercise, it is necessary to take into account their physical condition and athletic ability.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

In conclusion, walking, while a great form of exercise, is not for everyone. For the elderly, their physical condition, exercise ability, and personal preferences need to be taken into account when choosing an exercise modality. At the same time, it is also very important to have regular medical check-ups to detect and treat potential health problems in a timely manner.

1. Walking is not suitable for all seniors

Walking is a low-intensity aerobic exercise that is a great way to maintain your health for most seniors. It can help the elderly maintain good health, improve cardiopulmonary function, enhance muscle strength, improve joint flexibility, promote blood circulation, prevent cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and improve quality of life.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

However, walking is not suitable for all seniors. For some older people with chronic respiratory diseases, osteoarticular diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and immunocompromised immune systems, walking may aggravate their condition. These diseases may limit the mobility of older adults, causing them to experience symptoms such as breathlessness, joint pain, and heart discomfort while walking, which can aggravate their condition.

Therefore, when the elderly are doing walking exercises, they should choose the exercise method and intensity that suits them according to their physical condition and the doctor's advice. If you feel any discomfort, you should stop exercising immediately and seek medical attention promptly. At the same time, the elderly should also pay attention to safety when walking, and avoid walking in places with many people, cars, and uneven roads to avoid accidents.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

2. Choose a more suitable way of exercising

For the four types of elderly people mentioned above, it is very important to choose a more suitable exercise method. These forms of exercise should be gentler and exercise the body, while helping to relax the mind and improve the quality of life. Tai Chi, Yoga, and Qigong are all good options.

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art that is ideal for older adults due to its slow, smooth movements and low impact on joints and muscles. Tai Chi not only exercises the body, but also helps to relax the mind and improve mental concentration.

Yoga is also a great form of exercise for seniors. The movements of yoga can be adjusted according to your physical condition, and there is no need to do too strenuous movements. Yoga can help to relax the body, improve flexibility and balance, but also help to relax the mind and improve the quality of life.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

Qigong is a traditional Chinese health regimen that works by adjusting breathing and movements to relax the body and mind. The movements of Qigong are simple and easy to learn, making it very suitable for the elderly. Qigong can help relax the body, improve flexibility and balance, and also help relax the mind and improve the quality of life.

In general, it is very important for the elderly to choose a more suitable form of exercise. Tai Chi, Yoga and Qigong are all great options for exercising, relaxing, and improving the quality of life.

3. Pay attention to the timing, frequency and intensity of exercise

Walking is a great form of exercise for healthy seniors. However, even if it's a walk, you need to pay attention to the timing, frequency, and intensity of exercise. Excessive exercise may cause a burden on the body, and moderate exercise can achieve the effect of health preservation.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

First of all, the time of exercise should be determined according to the individual's physical condition and lifestyle habits. In general, a 30-minute to 1-hour walk a day is appropriate. If your physical condition allows, you can increase the exercise time appropriately, but not more than 2 hours.

Secondly, the frequency of exercise is also important. It is recommended to do at least 3-5 walking exercises a week to keep your body active and healthy. If possible, it's better to do a daily walk for exercise.

Finally, the intensity of the exercise also needs to be moderate. The pace of walking should not be too fast, so as not to cause too much burden on the body. In general, a walk at a comfortable pace is sufficient. If you feel tired or unwell, you should stop exercising immediately and avoid overexertion.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

In short, when the elderly take a walk and exercise, they should reasonably arrange the time, frequency and intensity of exercise according to their physical condition and living habits. Moderate exercise can achieve the effect of health preservation, and excessive exercise may cause a burden on the body.

Fourth, sports is a double-edged sword

For the elderly, exercise is not only a good way to maintain health, but also can become a hidden danger to aggravate the condition. Therefore, when the elderly choose an exercise method, they must choose the most suitable exercise for themselves according to their physical condition.

First of all, the elderly should pay attention to safety when exercising and avoid strenuous exercise to avoid unnecessary injuries. You can choose some low-intensity, low-risk exercises, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., which can not only exercise the body, but also help the elderly relax and improve their quality of life.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk

Secondly, the elderly should pay attention to the appropriate amount of exercise and do not exercise excessively. Excessive exercise not only cannot achieve the effect of health preservation, but will increase the burden on the body and even cause some diseases. Therefore, the elderly should pay attention to controlling the intensity and duration of exercise and avoid excessive exercise when exercising.

Finally, the elderly should pay attention to individual differences when exercising, and choose the most suitable exercise method for themselves according to their physical condition. Everyone's physical condition and exercise ability are different, so when choosing an exercise method, you should fully consider your physical condition and choose the most suitable exercise method for yourself to achieve the purpose of health preservation.

In short, exercise is not only a good way for the elderly to maintain their health, but also a hidden danger to aggravate the condition. When the elderly choose the way of exercise, they must choose the most suitable exercise according to their physical condition, pay attention to safety, appropriate amount and personal differences, so as to achieve the purpose of health preservation.

Do you take a walk 2 times a day and get cancer after 5 years? Doctors warn: These 4 types of elderly people should not walk


Walking is an easy way to maintain your health, and for most seniors, it's a great form of exercise. However, not all older people are suitable for walking. For those with chronic medical conditions or for those who are immunocompromised, walking can be a burden on their body. Therefore, they should choose some softer forms of exercise, such as yoga, tai chi, etc.

In addition, all older adults should pay attention to the timing, frequency, and intensity of exercise when doing walks or other exercises. Excessive exercise can be taxing on the body and even lead to injury. Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly consult a doctor or professional before exercising to develop an exercise plan that is suitable for them.

Overall, walking is an effective way to maintain one's health, but it's not suitable for all seniors. When choosing an exercise method, the elderly should make a choice based on their physical condition and the advice of their doctor. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the time, frequency and intensity of exercise to avoid excessive exercise causing a burden on the body.