
Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

author:Tang Jiazhen

In an ordinary morning clinic, a middle-aged man walked into the consultation room with an embarrassed look. He described a recent problem he had encountered that was difficult to talk about – the morning erection phenomenon. This left him confused and uneasy, worried about whether something was wrong with his health.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

However, after the doctor patiently explained, it dawned on him that it was part of the normal functioning of the body. Morning erection, also known as nocturnal penile erection, is a physiological phenomenon that occurs naturally during sleep in men and is usually most noticeable when they wake up in the early morning. This phenomenon is closely related to male reproductive health and is an important indicator of the health of the male reproductive system.

Through the doctor's explanation, the middle-aged man learned that morning erection is not abnormal, but part of the body's natural adjustment. This discovery made him feel relieved and gave him a deeper understanding of his body.

1. Morning erection in men: a natural physiological phenomenon

Morning erection, medically known as "nocturnal penile erection" (NPT), usually occurs during rapid eye movement sleep (REM). It is a self-testing mechanism that examines indicators of male reproductive health. Testosterone levels are highest in the early morning and promote erections.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

Morning erection is a natural physiological phenomenon, and men often find an erection of the penis when they wake up in the morning. This phenomenon is known as "morning erection" and is an indicator of the health of the male reproductive system. During sleep, especially during rapid eye movement sleep (REM), men experience multiple penile erections, which is a way for the body to self-detect the health of the reproductive system.

In addition, testosterone is an important male hormone that reaches its highest levels in the early morning and helps promote erections. Testosterone plays an important role in men's libido, muscle strength, and bone density. Therefore, morning erection is not only an indicator of reproductive health, but also a reflection of male hormone levels.

Overall, morning erection is a normal physiological phenomenon that is important for men's reproductive health and hormonal levels. If you're having trouble with your morning erections, you may need to see a doctor to rule out an underlying health problem.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

2. Female premenstrual breast tenderness: a normal physiological phenomenon

Premenstrual breast tenderness is a common physiological phenomenon in many women, which is closely related to the female endocrine system. During the menstrual cycle, the levels of estrogen and progesterone change, especially before menstruation, when the levels of these two hormones rise. When hormone levels rise, the milk ducts become irritated, causing duct hyperplasia, which can cause breast tenderness.

It is important to note that premenstrual breast tenderness is fundamentally different from breast cancer. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor with complex etiology related to various factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle habits. Premenstrual breast tenderness is just a normal physiological phenomenon and does not increase the risk of breast cancer.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

However, if breast tenderness lasts for a long time, or if the pain is severe, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly to rule out other possible conditions. At the same time, maintaining good lifestyle habits, such as regular work and rest, balanced diet, moderate exercise, etc., can also help relieve premenstrual breast tenderness.

3. Physiological function of prostatic fluid: the main component of semen

Prostatic fluid is the main component of semen, and it plays a vital role in the male reproductive system. First, prostatic fluid provides sperm with the necessary nutrients to help them stay viable and healthy. In addition, prostatic fluid also has the effect of protecting sperm from acidic environmental damage, which is essential for sperm survival and movement in the female reproductive tract.

During ejaculation, prostatic fluid mixes with sperm to form semen, providing an ideal environment for sperm. This environment not only helps sperm to survive but also helps them move through the female reproductive tract, increasing the likelihood of conception. Enzymes and other substances in the prostate fluid also help sperm pass through the mucus of a woman's cervix, further facilitating the conception process.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

Overall, prostatic fluid plays a vital role in male reproductive health. Not only does it provide nutrients and protection for sperm, but it also helps sperm to survive and move in the female reproductive tract, increasing the chances of conception. Understanding the physiological function of prostatic fluid is of great significance for maintaining male reproductive health and improving fertility.

4. Joy in early pregnancy: complex physiological responses

In the early stages of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience a special physiological phenomenon – unhappiness. It is a complex physiological response caused by pregnancy and is mainly related to changes in hormone levels in the body. During pregnancy, levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen increase significantly, and changes in these hormones may cause discomfort such as nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

Bad luck usually begins in the 6th week of pregnancy and peaks around 12 weeks as the pregnancy progresses. Morning sickness not only affects the daily life of pregnant women, but also may have a certain impact on the physical health of pregnant women. Therefore, it is very important for expectant mothers to understand the causes of joy and how to deal with it.

There are a few things that pregnant women can do to ease their discomfort when faced with bad joy. For example, maintain a regular diet and avoid fasting; Choose foods that are easy to digest and avoid greasy, spicy and other irritating foods; Maintain a good mood and avoid excessive tension and anxiety, etc. At the same time, if the symptoms of hibido are severe and affect daily life and physical health, you should seek medical attention in time and seek professional help and treatment.

Overall, joy is a common phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy, and understanding its causes and coping methods can help expectant mothers better cope with the challenges at this stage.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations


Reproductive health is a complex concept that involves multiple dimensions such as physiological, psychological, and social. Understanding the science behind these dimensions can help us better navigate the challenges of the fertility process while enjoying the joy of this special time.

Reproductive health is not only about physical health, but also about psychological balance and support from the social environment. Understanding the physiology of the fertility process can help us better cope with possible problems and reduce unnecessary anxiety and worry.

Embarrassing physiological reactions, in fact, are quite normal! Doctor revealed: Don't be ashamed to mention these 4 situations

At the same time, reproductive health also needs the support of the social environment. A good social environment can provide necessary material and moral support for childbearing, and help people better cope with the challenges in the process of childbearing.

In conclusion, reproductive health is a multi-dimensional concept that requires our understanding and attention from multiple levels such as physiological, psychological, and social. Through scientific understanding and reasonable response, we can better enjoy the joy of childbirth, and at the same time lay a solid foundation for the health of the next generation.