
"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"

author:Versatile ship

Zhu Nansun, a healthy and energetic master of traditional Chinese medicine, is now 102 years old, but he still insists on sitting in the clinic. The mystery of his longevity has attracted a lot of attention, and many people want to know his secret. And this secret is "two non-sticky, two insistence", let's reveal the secret of Dr. Zhu Nansun's longevity!

"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"


As a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Zhu Nansun has rich clinical experience and excellent medical skills. His name has become a symbol of health and longevity. Amazingly, even at the age of 100, Dr. Zhu still insists on visiting the hospital every day to provide medical services to patients.

"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"

So, what is the secret of Dr. Zhu Nansun's longevity? According to his own disclosure, the secret of his longevity can be summed up as "two non-sticks, two persistences".

First of all, he insisted on "two non-sticks". First, he doesn't smoke or drink. Over the years, Dr. Chu has never touched any alcohol or cigarettes, which he believes is one of the keys to maintaining good health. Second, he doesn't touch spicy and stimulating food. Dr. Chu advocates that food should be light and balanced to avoid overburdening the digestive system. He believes that a reasonable diet is very important for maintaining good health.

"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"

Secondly, he insisted on "two insistences". First, he insisted on maintaining a moderate amount of exercise every day. Physician Zhu says that moderate exercise can enhance the body's resistance and immunity, which can help slow down the aging process. He enjoys walking and practicing Tai Chi and schedules a certain amount of time to exercise every day. Second, he insisted on a regular routine. Dr. Zhu focuses on rest and sleep, and maintains sufficient sleep time every day to allow the body to get sufficient rest and recovery.

Dr. Zhu Nansun's longevity secret not only reflects the importance he attaches to his own health, but also adheres to the concept of traditional Chinese medicine. He believes that maintaining physical and mental health requires a focus on all aspects of daily life, and focusing on diet, exercise and schedule is the key.

"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"

In today's fast-paced society, Dr. Zhu Nansun has taught us a valuable health lesson. Only by pursuing a career and paying attention to one's physical health can one have a long and happy life.

Whether you are young or old, you can benefit from Dr. Junanson's experience. Let's pay tribute to this master of longevity and Chinese medicine, and wish everyone to pursue health, longevity and happiness!

"The 102-year-old legend of traditional Chinese medicine! Zhu Nansun reveals the secret of longevity: two non-sticks, two insistences to reveal the secret"


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