
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded

author:Yuri 227

You didn't hit it, why did you help it?

This scene on the streets of Nanjing once again pushed the controversy of "whether to help or not" to the hot search.

"You didn't hit it, why did you help it?" Like a hammer, it hits the moral bottom line in our hearts.

Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded

Event recap

On the day of the incident, an elderly man fell on the road while riding a bicycle while drunk. At this time, a man passed by, did not hesitate to help the old man up, and contacted his family as soon as possible. However, when the old man's son arrived at the scene, he accused the man of knocking down his father and demanded compensation. What's even more incredible is that the drunken old man also insisted that the man was the perpetrator.


Video source: Wise Man Thousand Thoughts

In the face of the accusation, the man retorted angrily: "This society is what people like you are now, you have to record in advance to do good deeds, and there are witnesses, even then you can blackmail, it's really chilling!" To prove his innocence, he took out the dashcam records. However, the old man's son turned a deaf ear and insisted on compensation.


After the police arrived, the police quickly restored the truth by collecting evidence such as surveillance video and the man's dashcam: the man did not hit the old man, but took the initiative to help the old man up after he fell. However, although the police confirmed the man's innocence, the old man's family did not apologize for wronging the "benefactor", let alone express gratitude for the man's kindness.

The onlookers expressed sympathy and support for the man, and some even bluntly said: "You shouldn't help him!" The man smiled helplessly and said with emotion: "Can you help or not?" This time I really took it. ”

The man posted the video on the Internet, which immediately caused a heated discussion.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded
Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded

Image source: Internet

Aftermath of the event

After a few days of Internet fermentation, the son of the drunk man contacted the man who rescued him and apologized. But netizens didn't buy it.


Video source: Yangtze Evening News

Netizens interpreted

Helping the old man who fell down was falsely followed! The old man's family came to apologize, netizens: Good people are not rewarded

Write at the end

Why are more and more people choosing not to help when faced with the choice of "whether to help or not"?

After many incidents of "helping people and being falsely accused", people's trust in strangers has dropped to a freezing point, and they are afraid of falling into unnecessary troubles and disputes because of their kindness.

My opinion

I hope that while everyone protects themselves, they can still choose to warm the world with kindness and justice, and help those in need!

If it were you, what would you do?


The content and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If there is any infringement, please contact me in time, if there is any doubt about the incident, please contact me to delete or change.