
Don't let face become a burden in life

author:Festive stream Gezw1C

In this bustling city, my name is Li Hua, an ordinary 30-year-old man. I was born into an ordinary family, and my parents were hard workers, who used their meager income to pay for my college, hoping that I would have a better future. After graduating, I worked for a well-known company, and although I had a stable job, the salary was not high, and I could barely make ends meet.

Don't let face become a burden in life

The picture comes from the Internet

I've always had a lot of self-esteem and always wanted to put my best foot forward with others. As a result, I often do things beyond my ability to save face, such as rushing to pay for a dinner with friends, or lending money to a colleague without mentioning the repayment. These seemingly insignificant things have gradually become a heavy burden in my life.

One day, the company held a grand annual meeting, and colleagues attended in full costumes. Not to be outdone, I bought a designer suit to show off in front of everyone. However, when I walked into the venue in a new suit, I found that I was not the most eye-catching one. Some of my colleagues wore more expensive custom gowns, others wore sparkling jewelry, and my suit paled in comparison.

At that moment, I felt more lost and frustrated than I had ever felt before. I began to reflect on myself, why do I always live for the sake of face, but ignore my inner feelings? I realized that this vanity only made me more exhausted and even affected my work and life.

Don't let face become a burden in life

The picture comes from the Internet

After the annual meeting, I decided to change my lifestyle. I began to learn to say no to unnecessary social activities and devote more time and energy to work and self-improvement. I no longer lend money to my colleagues for the sake of face, nor do I buy expensive items for the sake of showing off. I find that my life becomes easier and more comfortable when I no longer live for face.

Gradually, I began to re-examine my values. I realized that true success is not about what others think of you, but about how you recognize yourself. I began to work hard to improve my abilities and qualities, and to constantly learn new knowledge and skills. I work hard and do my best to complete every task, and I no longer push myself to meet other people's expectations.

As time passed, my work performance was recognized by my superiors, and I gradually gained more sense of accomplishment and self-confidence in my work. I started to pay more attention to my inner world, to my emotions and needs. I learned to listen to my voice and be brave enough to pursue my dreams and goals.

Don't let face become a burden in life

The picture comes from the Internet

In the process, I also gained a lot of sincere friendships. I've found that people who really care about me don't prejudice me because of what I wear or what I do. They appreciate my authentic, hard-working qualities, not superficial vanity and show-offs.

Nowadays, I am no longer the one who lives to save face. I've learned to value my time and energy and use it for more meaningful things. I know that only by truly paying attention to your inner needs and growth can you live a life that is truly your own.

Looking back, I'm proud of the changes I've made. I have learned that face is not the whole of life, and it should not be a burden in life. We should be brave enough to pursue our dreams and goals and not be swayed by the vanity and prejudices of the outside world. Only in this way can we live our own lives and live our own wonderful lives.

Don't let face become a burden in life

The picture comes from the Internet

Hopefully, everyone who reads this article will take some inspiration from it. Don't let face become a burden in your life, be brave enough to pursue your dreams and goals! I believe that as long as we persist in our efforts, remain authentic and brave, we will be able to live a more exciting and fulfilling life.