
The United Nations finally hardened, and the United States and Israel jumped to their feet


New developments at the United Nations: The elevation of the status of the state of Palestine has aroused heated discussions, and the United States and Israel have reacted strongly

Recently, an important vote in the United Nations General Assembly once again pushed the Palestinian issue to the forefront of international public opinion. On May 20, local time, the General Assembly adopted a resolution by a significant majority, calling for further recognition of the status of the State of Palestine on the international stage. This move has undoubtedly heightened the tensions of Israel and its ally the United States at a time of tension in Gaza.

The United Nations finally hardened, and the United States and Israel jumped to their feet

The result of this vote is undoubtedly a staunch support for the Palestinian people's long-standing pursuit of the right to independent statehood. Of the 177 countries that voted, 155 voted in favour, only 12 voted against it, and the rest abstained. This outcome fully demonstrates the general concern and deep sympathy of the international community for the question of Palestine.

However, the United States and Israel reacted strongly to this. The US special envoy to the United Nations severely criticized the UN's decision, stressing that the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue can only be achieved through peaceful negotiations. Israel, on the other hand, was more direct, with its representative to the United Nations saying that it would take all necessary measures to safeguard its national interests.

The United Nations finally hardened, and the United States and Israel jumped to their feet

It is worth noting that despite the strong dissatisfaction of the United States and Israel over this, quite a few countries have chosen to side with Palestine. These countries believe that the question of Palestine is not only the key to peace and stability in the Middle East, but also a common challenge facing the international community. They hope that by supporting Palestine, they will promote the development of the peace process and bring lasting peace and stability to the Middle East region.

The results of this vote also demonstrate once again the variability and complexity of positions in international politics. In the international community, the interests and positions of countries often vary from time to time, and it is difficult to divide them by a simple "friend or foe" relationship. Therefore, when dealing with international affairs, we need to look at issues in a more objective and comprehensive way, respect the sovereignty and interests of other countries, and promote the development of peace and stability.

The United Nations finally hardened, and the United States and Israel jumped to their feet

Although the path of the State of Palestine to full membership of the United Nations remains challenging, the vote has undoubtedly injected new impetus and hope into the Palestinian people's pursuit of their right to independent statehood. We expect the international community to continue its efforts for a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine and to bring lasting peace and stability to the Middle East region.

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