
Jingyuan Dongsheng: The transplanting of pepper base is busy, and the industrial development is "spicy".

author:Jingyuan financial media

As the temperature continues to rise, it is a good time for peppers to be transplanted. In the past few days, the transplanting work of 10,000 acres of Chaotian pepper in Dongsheng Town, Jingyuan County has been fully rolled out, and growers have seized the good weather and are busy moving "new homes" for pepper seedlings.

Jingyuan Dongsheng: The transplanting of pepper base is busy, and the industrial development is "spicy".

Walking into the 10,000 acres of Chaotian pepper planting base in Dongsheng Town, the workers are in full swing to transplant pepper seedlings, punching, throwing seedlings, covering soil, and sprinkling...... The scene was in full swing. After a while, the newly planted pepper seedlings swayed in the wind, adding vitality to the vast land.

Jingyuan Dongsheng: The transplanting of pepper base is busy, and the industrial development is "spicy".

Wang Dingye, head of Gansu Huide Breeding Farmers Cooperative, told reporters that the seedlings planted in Chaotian pepper are raised in their own base, and through modern equipment such as integrated irrigation of water and fertilizer, the temperature, humidity and water and fertilizer management of vegetable seedlings in the greenhouse can not only shorten the seedling time and improve the efficiency of seedlings, but also provide farmers with reliable and high-quality seedlings.

Jingyuan Dongsheng: The transplanting of pepper base is busy, and the industrial development is "spicy".

Chili pepper is a labor-intensive industry, and a lot of labor is required in each link from seedling raising, transplanting, management, and harvesting. During the transplantation and planting of peppers, the cooperative hired more than 50 villagers from the surrounding areas to work, which not only alleviated its own labor needs, but also increased the economic income of the villagers.

Jingyuan Dongsheng: The transplanting of pepper base is busy, and the industrial development is "spicy".

"My home is near here, I work here, 140 yuan a day, and my salary is cash, so it is convenient to take care of my family." Villagers of Dongsheng Town introduced to reporters.

Small peppers drive big industries. In recent years, Dongsheng Town has adhered to the industrial revitalization as an important starting point for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, adopted the production and operation model of "party branch + enterprise + cooperative + farmer", closely followed the market demand, and actively guided the villagers to plant high-quality Chaotian pepper, expand ideas and make a fuss in the development of rural characteristic agriculture, and continuously promote the rapid development of characteristic industries through policy support, driving guidance, technical services, and broadening sales channels, so as to drive the masses to increase their income and get rich, and add new vitality to rural revitalization.

Jingyuan County Rong Media Center reporter Wei Limei