
The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

author:Big Mac

The wake-up call behind snacks: when health meets spoiling

In an ordinary but loving family, Lao Li's 9-year-old grandson Xiao Ming suddenly fell ill. When the doctor told Lao Li the heavy word "leukemia", he seemed to have been struck by lightning, and the whole person was stunned. Why did the lively and cute little grandson, who yelled for snacks every day, suddenly get such a serious illness?

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

The temptations and dangers of snacking

In the eyes of the older generation, the grandson is the treasure of the heart, and they can't wait to pluck all the stars in the sky for him. Xiao Ming is no exception, he has been cared for by his grandfather since he was a child. Whenever he asked for a snack, Grandpa always did not hesitate to satisfy him, feeling that the most important thing was that the child was happy.

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

However, behind the temptation of snacks, there are huge health risks. Many snacks add a lot of coloring, preservatives and sugar in order to achieve taste and appearance. These additives are not only detrimental to the child's physical development, but can also cause various diseases. Xiao Tomorrow eats snacks every day, and the iron blood vessels can't bear it.

Parental negligence and self-blame

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

Faced with his grandson's condition, Lao Li's heart was like a knife. He began to reflect on his past behavior, did he dote on his grandson too much? Is it not fulfilling the responsibility of being a parent? He blamed himself, feeling that he had harmed his grandson.

In fact, many parents have had similar experiences. They always feel that the child is still young and that it is not a big deal to have a snack. However, it is this negligence and connivance that unknowingly plunges the child into a health crisis.

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

Vigilance and action

Xiao Ming's condition made Lao Li realize the seriousness of the problem. He decided to use his own experience to warn everyone about the dangers of snacks to children. He began to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating in the community, urging parents to pay attention to their children's dietary health.

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

At the same time, Lao Li also began to change his behavior. Instead of blindly satisfying his grandson's snack needs, he guided him to develop healthy eating habits. He took Xiao Ming to participate in physical exercises to enhance his physique; He also taught Xiao Ming to recognize healthy foods, so that he knew which foods were good for his body.

The power of healthy living

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

After a period of hard work, Xiao Ming's physical condition gradually improved. His smile returned to his face, and it became more lively and cute. And Lao Li has also become more determined and confident, he believes that as long as everyone works together, they will be able to protect the health of their children.

My views and future prospects

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

From the experience of Lao Li and Xiao Ming, it is not difficult to see that the potential threat of snacks to children's health is huge. However, it also reminds us that as parents and members of society, we have the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to our children's dietary health and guide them to develop healthy eating habits.

Looking forward to the future, I believe that with the progress of society and the improvement of people's health awareness, more and more parents will be aware of the harm of snacks to their children and take positive measures to protect their children's health. At the same time, I also hope that the government and all sectors of society can strengthen the supervision and publicity of food safety, so that more people can understand the dangers of food additives, and jointly create a healthy and safe environment for children to grow up.

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it

Let's work together to protect every bite of food for the health and future of children!

The 9-year-old grandson was diagnosed with leukemia, and the grandfather blamed himself: he ate it every day, and the iron blood vessels couldn't bear it