
Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

author:Ride an ant to the hotel

On this sunny day in late May, I, a rooster, was standing on the stage of life with my head held high, ready to welcome those upcoming "in-laws". As it is said in "The Little Prince": "Only by looking with the heart can we see the truth." "I feel every opportunity that comes my way, and I'm ready to welcome them and let them be my way to success.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

I, the Rooster, am a member of the zodiac and symbolize wisdom and hard work. As Jia Baoyu said in "Dream of Red Mansions": "The house is full of gold and jade, and Mo can keep it." "I know that only through unremitting efforts can I protect my wealth and dreams. Therefore, I am always ready to meet every challenge and let them be my motivation to move forward.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

At the end of May, I will be welcoming a group of "in-laws" who will help and support me. As described in Les Misérables: "What people need is not sympathy, but understanding." "I believe that these "in-laws" will understand my needs and give me the strength to make me more determined on the road to success.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

I, the rooster, possess keen insight and unwavering determination. As stated in "One Hundred Years of Solitude": "No matter where you go, you should remember that the past is fake, and memories are a road with no end." "I don't dwell on past achievements, but I keep looking forward and aiming higher.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

In late May, I will work hand in hand with these "in-laws" to create a better future together. As described in "The Kite Runner": "For you, a thousand times." "I am willing to work hard for success and dreams until I achieve my goals.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

I, the Rooster, am the best of the zodiac signs with unlimited potential and courage. As "Alive" says, "Life belongs to each person's own feelings, not to anyone else's opinion." "I firmly believe that as long as I stick to my beliefs and pursue my dreams bravely, I will be able to achieve my goals.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

At the end of May, I will work with these "in-laws" to meet every challenge and overcome every difficulty. As it says in "The Grocery Store": "Life can start all over again whenever and wherever you want." "I believe that as long as I maintain a positive attitude and face challenges bravely, I will be able to create my own glory.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

I, the Rooster, am the pride of the zodiac, possessing unwavering faith and an indomitable spirit. As the Norwegian Forest says, "Everyone has their own forest, maybe we've never been there, but it's always been there, and it will always be." "I believe that as long as I am brave enough to go into my own forest, I will be able to find my own path to success.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

At the end of May, I will explore the unknown world and discover new possibilities with these "in-laws". As Harry Potter says, "We can choose our own path, not be dictated by fate." "I believe that as long as I am brave enough to choose my own path, I will be able to achieve my dreams.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

I, the Rooster, am the hope of the zodiac, with unlimited potential and courage. As Jane Eyre says, "The more lonely I am, the more friendless, the less supportive I am, the more I have to respect myself." "I believe that as long as I respect myself and stick to my beliefs, I will be able to achieve my goals.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

At the end of May, I will work with these "in-laws" to meet every challenge and create my own brilliance. As said in "Camel Xiangzi": "Life is like a play, because of fate, we get together." "I believe that as long as I cherish the fate with these "in-laws", I will be able to create a better future together.

Rooster: In late May, a "family in-law" came to help you and prepared to greet you

Dear readers, do you have the same conviction and indomitable spirit as I do? Are you also working hard to achieve your dreams? In late May, let's welcome those upcoming "in-laws" together and create a better future together. If you like my articles, please don't forget to like, comment and share them so that more people can feel this positive power. Let's work hard for our dreams and strive for success together!