
Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

author:Ride an ant to the hotel

I am a tiger, a tiger that around May 20th, something good will happen to the family. As it is said in "The Little Prince": "Only by looking with the heart can we see the truth." "I will feel the good fortune that is coming with my heart and meet every possible success with my heart.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Márquez wrote: "What really matters in life is not what happens to you, but what you remember and how you remember it." "I will remember every effort, every struggle, because these are the precious assets on my way to success.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger with strong beliefs. As Valjean said in Les Misérables: "Even if the whole world abandons me, I will not give up." "I will stick to my dreams and stick to my pursuits, because I believe that as long as I don't give up, good luck will come eventually.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger full of hope. As Scarlett says in "Gone with the Wind": "Tomorrow is a new day." "I will welcome every new beginning with hope, because I believe that good fortune will come when there is hope in my heart.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger who bravely pursues dreams. As Atticus says in To Kill a Mockingbird, "You never really know a person unless you put yourself in their shoes." "I will stand in the perspective of my dreams and pursue them bravely, because I believe that only by chasing dreams bravely can I realize my dreams.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger full of wisdom. As Jia Baoyu said in "Dream of Red Mansions": "Life must be full of joy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." "I will cherish every success, every good luck, because I believe that only by cherishing can good luck last.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger with unlimited potential. As Valjean Valjean said in Les Misérables, "The human heart is an ocean that can hold countless hopes and dreams." "I will tap into my potential and achieve my dreams because I believe that with hard work, potential will become a reality.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger that never gives up. As the old man said in "The Old Man and the Sea": "A man can be destroyed, but not defeated." "I will face every challenge, every difficulty, because I believe that as long as I never give up, good fortune will be waiting for me.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a passionate tiger. As Jane Eyre says in Jane Eyre: "I'd rather be a passionate person than an emotionless machine." "I will use my passion to infect everyone around me, because I believe that only passion can ignite the spark of success.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger with a firm purpose. As Valjean Valjean said in Les Misérables: "Once a person's goal is set, one should move forward and never look back." "I will be firm in my goals and move forward bravely, because I believe that only by being firm in my goals can we move towards success.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

I am a tiger, a tiger with infinite possibilities. As Scarlett says in "Gone with the Wind": "Tomorrow is a new day." "I will embrace every new possibility, every new opportunity, because I believe that if you dare to try, the infinite possibilities will become a reality.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

Dear readers, are you, like me, a hopeful, dream-seeking, never-say-die tiger? If yes, please tell me your story in the comments section and let's share good luck together and embrace every possible success together.

Tiger Tiger Tiger: Around May 20th, good things happen at home, get ready for good luck!

At the same time, don't forget to like and share this article so that more people can feel the power of the tiger and feel the arrival of good luck. Let's welcome the good luck around May 20 and create a better future together!