
BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

author:Passion orange v

At this crossroads of change, a seemingly insipid reform of factory working hours has caused an uproar in the hearts of workers. I thought it was good news – the BYD factory decided to do away with the traditional two-shift system and move towards a more user-friendly eight-hour workday. However, this paper reform announcement unexpectedly sparked a contest between workers and factories.

Imagine a busy assembly line where workers toiled day in and day out, running for a living. Suddenly, one day, they were told that the familiar, accustomed two-hour shift would no longer exist and would be replaced by a new eight-hour workday. In theory, this should be the long-awaited good news for workers, and it is a major improvement in workers' rights. But the reality is far more complicated than imagined.

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

The new work system is like an unknown adventure, Class A 7-16, Class B 10-19, Class C 19-04, Class D 22-07, seemingly regular rotation, but hidden many uncertainties. Workers began to wonder what such a change meant. Will their income be affected as a result? How can workers who have become accustomed to night work adapt to this new way of working?

What makes the workers even more unsettling is that along with the reform of working hours, there are also a series of seemingly ordinary adjustments. The first is the implementation of the five-day, eight-hour workday and the abolition of double wages. This change is undoubtedly a heavy blow to workers who rely on overtime pay to supplement their income.

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

Then there is the work arrangement of the transfer to Chengdu, customs and other places, which not only means that the workers may face separation from their families, but also means that they need to start over in a new environment. Finally, the implementation of the four-shift system and the abolition of 1.5 times overtime pay are undoubtedly a double challenge to workers' economic income and living habits.

In the midst of this reform, the workers felt more confused and uneasy than ever. They began to question what such reforms were for. Is it to improve their quality of life, or is it just an adjustment made by the business to reduce costs?

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

In the face of this series of reform measures, the workers felt unprecedented confusion and unease. They don't know where their future lies, and they don't know how their rights and interests will be protected. So, they chose to strike, choosing to express their demands and grievances in this extreme way.

However, strikes are not the best way to solve the problem. It will only plunge the two sides into deeper contradictions and conflicts. So, where is the solution to the problem?

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

Perhaps, the two sides should sit down and have a sincere dialogue and communication. Businesses should listen to workers' voices and demands and understand their real thoughts and needs. At the same time, workers should also understand the difficulties and pressures of enterprises, and face this series of reform measures with a more rational and pragmatic attitude.

In this turmoil, we can't help but think: while pursuing economic benefits, are we ignoring the rights and feelings of workers? While promoting social progress, should we pay more attention to those who are quietly contributing to the production line?

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

This incident of BYD is not only a problem of one company, but also a problem that the whole society needs to reflect deeply. What we want to see is a fair, just and harmonious social environment, not a world full of contradictions and conflicts.

Finally, we call on all enterprises and workers to face the problem in a more rational and pragmatic manner. It is only through honest dialogue and communication that we are able to find the best way to solve the problem. At the same time, we also hope that the government and all sectors of society can give more attention and support to jointly promote social progress and development.

BYD canceled two shifts but was struck? Workers' rights are challenged, and the truth is revealed!

In this era of change, each and every one of us should be a force for social progress. Let's work together to create a better future!

So, what do you think of this reform of the BYD factory? What do you think should be done to solve this problem? Feel free to leave your views and opinions in the comment area!