
The true ending of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", two survived, and three died heroically.

author:Nine Nine Picks

Gleaning takes you to see the hero's choice and the hesitation of life: two survivors of the five heroes of Langya Mountain


In China's modern history, there are many heroes who have written touching legends with their lives, among which the five heroes of Langya Mountain are even more widely known. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to protect the safety of the main force, they chose to jump off the cliff and sacrifice, and composed a magnificent heroic hymn with their lives.

Among these five singing and crying heroes, two lucky ones, namely Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi, were miraculously hung by a tree branch in the process of jumping off the cliff and survived. However, what is surprising is that although they are also survivors, they have chosen very different life paths, showing different life values and life choices.

The hero's choice and the hesitation of life

1. The noble sacrifice of the five heroes of Langya Mountain

The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain refer to the five heroic soldiers who bravely blocked the Japanese puppet army in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War in the area of Langya Mountain, Taihang Mountain, Shanxi, in order to cover the main force of the Eighth Route Army. At the end of the battle, in order not to give the Japanese puppet army a chance to capture the prisoners alive, they resolutely chose to jump off the cliff and sacrifice, showing a very high revolutionary heroism.

This noble spirit of sacrificing oneself for others has touched countless people, and has also left a strong mark in the long history of the whole nation, and has become a hero remembered by the whole nation.

The true ending of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", two survived, and three died heroically.

2. The different fates of the two survivors

In the course of the heroic sacrifice of these five heroes, it is always believed that only three heroes died heroically, while the other two were captured alive. However, to everyone's surprise, the two survivors miraculously survived by hanging from a tree branch during the cliff jump.

Such an unexpected event undoubtedly brought them a new life and made them the focus of attention. The two survivors are Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi, whose fates are completely different, and they have also left a deep reflection for future generations.

The true ending of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", two survived, and three died heroically.

3. Ge Zhenlin's enjoyment of treatment

Ge Zhenlin, one of these two survivors, was disabled by his injuries after the founding of New China, and was given the opportunity to leave his post to rest, and he was also able to enjoy the treatment of a division.

This arrangement undoubtedly made Ge Zhenlin the envy of everyone, and also made him live a relatively prosperous life in his later life. Despite his great sacrifices in the war, he was able to be rewarded so handsomely in peacetime, which also made his life legendary.

The true ending of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", two survived, and three died heroically.

Fourth, Song Xueyi's low-key farming

In contrast, the fate of another survivor, Song Xueyi, is much more plain, after he returned to his hometown, he did not choose to continue to serve in the army or other careers, but chose to work in a low-key manner and live an ordinary and simple life.

Although he is also a survivor of the Anti-Japanese War hero, in peacetime, he did not get much attention and attention because of his special experience, but more obscurity, living an ordinary life. However, despite this, his status in his hometown is very lofty, and he is deeply respected and loved by the local people.

The true ending of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", two survived, and three died heroically.

5. The Meaning of Life's Wandering and Choice

From the completely different fates of these two survivors, we can't help but think deeply about what kind of life paths and values are reflected in the hero's choices and life hesitations.

When a person is faced with a life choice, he is often choosing his own life path, and this choice is likely to be affected by various external factors, such as personal personality characteristics, social environment, and historical events experienced.

The different choices of Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi may be the embodiment of the different understandings of heroism and ordinary life, and it also makes us realize more clearly that everyone's life path is unique, and no matter what kind of life they choose, they should be respected and understood.

Reflection and outlook

1. The immortal spirit of heroes

It is precisely because of countless heroes that we have a happy and beautiful life today, and the choices and sacrifices of these heroes are also an important force that inspires us to move forward.

Their glorious deeds and lofty spirit will forever be engraved in the hearts of the people, and will also become a beacon on our way forward, guiding us in the direction of our progress.

2. Cherish a peaceful and happy life

In this era of peace, we are fortunate to be able to thrive in the warmth of our families and to display our ambitions under the care of society, all of which are inseparable from those who pay for peace.

Therefore, when we look back at history and see the tragic sacrifices of those heroes, we should learn to cherish the happy life in front of us, shoulder the heavy task of national rejuvenation with our own shoulders, and contribute to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

3. Inherit the heroic spirit

At the same time, it is precisely because of the existence of these heroes that we have a better life today, so we should draw strength from them, inherit and carry forward the spirit of heroes, so that this noble spirit will always be carried forward and become a powerful driving force for us to build a better home.

Only with the joint efforts of the whole society can we truly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and can more people, especially the younger generation, be able to remember history, love peace, move forward bravely, and become new people of the era who are responsible, responsible, and accomplished.


The hero's choice and the hesitation of life, everyone may have experience, and in such a choice, maybe we don't need to be a hero, we just need to use a normal heart to treat the bits and pieces of life, and we can show the true heroism.

May the departed heroes rest in peace, and may we today be able to face life bravely, love life, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful homeland and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in our own posts.