
The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

author:Convey positive social energy
The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

Last night, a high-profile incident happened, the boss of the teenage girl Kayla was controlled by the police. However, just one night later, today the boss was released.

The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

It has been learned that this incident is actually reasonable, because there have long been various indications that this incident does not constitute a crime. In their announcement last night, the police used the word "control" rather than "arrest" as is commonly believed.

Control here actually refers to a summons. When a summons is made, the person concerned will communicate and negotiate within the specified time, and it will only take a maximum of 24 hours for the summoned person to be released without any restriction on his or her personal freedom.

The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

After investigation, it was found that all the current chain of evidence points to the fact that this is just a civil dispute and there is no fraud. Because the transaction is real, it's just that the funds can't be repaid for the time being.

The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

In business activities every year, there are a large number of factory supply chain accounts that cannot be recovered, and eventually become bad debts, and most of this situation belongs to the category of civil disputes. If the other party claims that he has no money and no assets in his name, then even if he goes to the court to fight a lawsuit and wins the lawsuit and enforces it, the most he can do is to limit the height and line of the lawsuit. If there is no property in their name, then the suppliers have no choice but to do so.

In the business world, there are bosses who trust others too easily and send goods without signing a contract and receiving payment, and such bosses are often destined to suffer such disasters.

The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

One insider revealed that he had a similar experience himself. He once advanced money to others to deliver the goods, but the other party ran away, although the amount involved reached hundreds of thousands, but many years have passed, and that person has long disappeared.

Although the lawsuit was won, the enforcement had no effect, and the money was never recovered. And the reason why this insider knows so much about this police summons is because he has had such an experience before.

The owner of the teenage girl Kayla is controlled by the police. Just one night later, it was released again! In the clear?

At that time, the relevant personnel also went in and came out only 24 hours later, because it could not be strung into a scam, so it didn't make much sense. This also reminds people that in these years, try not to easily pressure others to pay, because the risks are too great.