
The urine test results of Big S and Little S Fan Xiaoxuan were exposed, and netizens exclaimed: Long-term drug abuse? Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true

author:Apple Garer 821 Review

Recently, the urine test results of Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan have finally been released, which has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among netizens. Previously, Huang Zijiao had broken the news that the three people were taking drugs, but the investigation results of the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office showed that the three people were detected in the urine of tranquilizer drug ingredients such as tinos, but the drug test results were the same as the prescription drug ingredients, so the drug abuse case was closed because there were no specific criminal facts. However, this result unexpectedly revealed another shocking fact: the big S and little S sisters did have long-term drug abuse. This can't help but remind people of Wang Xiaofei's revelations last year, could it be true that what he said at the time?

The urine test results of Big S and Little S Fan Xiaoxuan were exposed, and netizens exclaimed: Long-term drug abuse? Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true

1. The urine test results were released, and netizens were shocked

After learning the urine test results of Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan, netizens expressed their shock and puzzlement. It is difficult for them to understand why these high-profile celebrities in the entertainment industry take tranquilizers for a long time, and some even question whether it is related to drug use. Although the District Attorney's Office has confirmed that the three did not use drugs, the fact that they have been taking tranquilizers for a long time is still a cause for concern.

Second, Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true, and netizens sighed

Recalling Wang Xiaofei's revelations last year, netizens couldn't help but sigh that his prediction came true. At that time, Wang Xiaofei exposed the news of the long-term drug abuse of the sisters Da S and Xiao S on social media, which caused an uproar. Although many people were skeptical of his revelations at the time, it seems that Wang Xiaofei's words are not groundless.

3. Drug residues lead to speculation, and long-term dependence becomes a hidden danger

What worries netizens even more is that the big S and little S sisters can still detect drug residues in their bodies. This begs the question, have they never stopped taking these drugs? Long-term use of tranquilizers can not only cause damage to the body, but can also lead to drug dependence, which can become a potential hidden danger.

The urine test results of Big S and Little S Fan Xiaoxuan were exposed, and netizens exclaimed: Long-term drug abuse? Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true

Fourth, the sisterhood is deep, and even taking medicine is "synchronous"

Interestingly, in addition to the big S and little S sisters, Fan Xiaoxuan was also found to contain the same drug ingredients in her body. This can't help but make people sigh that the sisterhood of the three is deep, and even taking medicine can keep "synchronous". However, this is further evidence that long-term use of tranquilizers is not an isolated case among them, but a common phenomenon.

5. How many secrets are hidden behind the glamour of the entertainment industry?

The urine test results of Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan once again aroused people's attention to the entertainment industry. How many untold secrets are hidden in this seemingly glamorous circle? Are the lives of the stars really as perfect as they appear? These questions may never be answered, but every time a similar incident is exposed, it will make people more curious and speculative about the entertainment industry.

The urine test results of Big S and Little S Fan Xiaoxuan were exposed, and netizens exclaimed: Long-term drug abuse? Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true

6. Call for attention to the mental health of celebrities and refuse blind worship

Faced with the fact that Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan have been taking tranquilizers for a long time, we can't help but think: On the road to fame, fortune and success, do these stars also face huge psychological pressure and trouble? Is their mental health being given adequate attention and care? As fans and viewers, how should we view this phenomenon?

We need to recognize that celebrities are also ordinary people, and they will also face various challenges and difficulties. We should not blindly worship them, but should pay attention to their mental health problems and give them more understanding and support. At the same time, we also call on relevant departments and institutions to strengthen the attention and protection of the mental health of celebrities, and provide them with necessary help and support.

It is important to recognize that taking tranquilizers for a long time is not the right way to solve psychological problems. While these medications may provide temporary relief from some symptoms, long-term dependence can take a toll on the body and even lead to more serious psychological problems. Therefore, we should encourage celebrities to actively seek professional psychological counseling and treatment to cope with stress and distress in a healthier way.

Maintain a rational and objective attitude towards this incident. Although the urine test results of Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan have aroused people's attention and speculation, we cannot judge or blame them based on this result alone. We should respect their privacy and choices, and at the same time hope that they can face up to their problems and actively seek solutions.

The urine test results of Big S and Little S Fan Xiaoxuan were exposed, and netizens exclaimed: Long-term drug abuse? Wang Xiaofei's prophecy came true

In short, the urine test results of Big S, Little S and Fan Xiaoxuan once again remind us to pay attention to the mental health problems of stars in the entertainment industry. In their quest for fame, fortune and success, they also need our understanding and support. Let's look at this incident with a more rational and objective attitude and pray and bless them for their mental health and well-being.

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