
My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

author:Seventh Brother Detective
My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

Text/Detective Seventh Brother

Editor/Detective Seven

Picture/source network

Introduction: My wife and I have a pension of 8,000, and it is really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

After retirement, many seniors are eager to travel the world and taste the scenery and food of various places with the pursuit of health and vitality. Traveling has become a dream and pursuit of life for many elderly people.

Aunt Wang and her wife are such a couple. They worked hard all their lives until they reached the age of retirement. At that time, the two had made an appointment to travel all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. However, travel is not an easy task, and it requires financial support.

For this dream, they did not hesitate to spend a lot of savings, and even spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy an RV. Years of travel have almost depleted their savings.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

It is true that they witnessed countless beautiful scenery along the way, as if to make up for the regrets of the past years. However, as the trip deepened, Aunt Wang and her wife gradually felt remorse.

What is it that makes them feel this way? Next, let's listen to Aunt Wang's heart......

My wife and I have worked together in a state-owned enterprise for many years, I am in charge of financial management, and he is a middle leader. We have a son who is smart and sensible and successful in his studies, so we don't need to worry too much. Both parents were in good health and did not put any burden on us. Therefore, we lived a leisurely and comfortable life in the first half of our lives.

After retirement, although our pension is not very rich, more than 4,000 yuan per person, a total of more than 8,000 yuan, it is enough for us to enjoy our old age in peace. We bought a property for our son and after a few years we saved up $500,000.

My son is doing well at work, my daughter-in-law is also having a stable job, and they no longer need our financial support when they get married. During the festive season, they will also give us generous red envelopes in return.

However, what we crave in retirement is more freedom and exploration. When we were young, we gave so much for work and family that we barely had time to go out. Once upon a time, we tried to travel in a group, but we were exhausted by the tight schedules and the difficulty of traveling independently.

Each attraction is like a sightseeing destination, and you have to rush to the next place before you have time to savor it. At noon, when exhaustion hits, we are eager to go back to the hotel to rest, but that would mean missing out on the sights of the afternoon. In addition, the food and drink during the group tour did not satisfy our tastes.

After a few group trips, we came home exhausted and took several days to recover. However, our love for travel has not diminished. We aspire to be free to explore the world and enjoy every sight at our own pace and to our liking.

So, we began to think about how to change this way of traveling, so that travel becomes a pleasure rather than a burden in our later life. Perhaps, we need to find a way to travel that is more suitable for us, so that travel can truly become a beautiful experience in our lives.

After much deliberation, we decided to invest in a motorhome to start a new travel life. Since then, driving this RV, we have roamed all over the world, bid farewell to the hard work of the past, and time seems to have become more relaxed.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

The motorhome gives us the freedom to choose our destination as we please. Whenever we find a place with a picturesque location and a pleasant climate, we can stop for a few days and enjoy the peace and beauty there.

We found an RV worth more than 200,000 yuan in the market, with complete facilities in the car, and we did not hesitate to include it in our bags at the moment.

Owning a motorhome has made it easier for my wife and me to travel. In those years, we rarely stayed at home, and we always drove around in our RV. It's a stylish and free way to travel, and it's finally a dream of the two of us driving and exploring together.

Once upon a time, we were just envious of the elderly who traveled around the world in their RVs online. Now, we have finally stepped into their ranks and achieved our dreams. Whenever we go to a new place, we look for the right campsite to park our RV and then explore the sights.

When we're tired, we enjoy a delicious meal, sometimes even cooking our own, shopping for fresh ingredients at the nearby wet market, and having a different kind of picnic next to the motorhome.

During the trip, we also met many friends who also love motorhome travel. Even though they come from all over the world, a common travel goal brings us together as like-minded partners.

At night, we lay down in the RV to rest, feeling the warmth and comfort of home. With my daily needs such as bathing and cooking being met, I couldn't help but sigh: what a mobile home!

My wife responded with a smile: "Yes, if you want to enjoy a high-quality life in your old age, you have to travel in an RV." "In those years, we used to spend a lot of time away during the festive season, and my son and daughter-in-law occasionally called us to invite us home, but we always enjoyed it, telling them to live their lives well and not worry about us.

During our RV days, we visited many places with our friends, from the vast grasslands of Xinjiang to the magnificent mountains and rivers of Qinghai, to the beautiful scenery of Yunnan and the blue sea and blue sky of Hainan.

While motorhome travel is easy, the cost should not be underestimated. Among them, highway fees and fuel costs are the two main expenses, and the price of scenic tickets is also expensive. However, none of this can stop us from loving and yearning for motorhome travel.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

While some of the attractions are free, it's only natural that we're coming from afar to get a glimpse of the more fascinating and historic attractions that require a ticket. When traveling away, the cost of food and beverage is obviously different from the daily frugality at home.

When we are at home, my wife and I only need 50 yuan for our daily expenses, and sometimes it can be as high as 200 yuan for even a simple meal during the trip. However, we have become accustomed to this kind of travel life, but when we return home, we feel a little uncomfortable, and after a few days of staying, we feel bored, and we always want to go on the journey again.

My son knows that we have a lot of money to spend on our trips, he always reassures us, and if we are short on money, just let him know and he will transfer money for us at any time. But how can we bear to reach out to our son? It is not easy for him not to ask us for it, after all, many elderly people of the same age are still under the pressure of housing loans for their children.

Over the years, we've been thankful that we're in good health when we've traveled. During our travels, we have met many elderly couples who are traveling in motorhomes, but we often hear that one of them had to stop the trip and return home for treatment due to a physical emergency.

When we hear about this, we can't help but pray that we are healthy and can continue to enjoy our travels. However, as we age, our physical condition is unpredictable, especially after the age of 70, and our body functions seem to age more rapidly.

I remember that year, my wife was 71 years old, and we happened to be traveling in other provinces. Just a few days after the trip, I noticed that the corners of his mouth were crooked when he spoke, and his hands were shaking terribly. I asked him if he felt unwell, but he said he didn't feel anything special.

I offered to go to the hospital for a check-up, but he insisted that he was fine, after all, if he was really sick, how could he drive long distances? So, I didn't insist anymore.

However, one morning, when I finished washing up and was ready to leave, I found that my wife had not yet gotten up. I wandered around the RV, wondering why he couldn't afford it. I think it's time for him to get up and wash up, because that day we were planning to visit a famous old building.

But when I got back to the RV, I found him still lying motionless on the bed. My heart tightened, and I hurriedly called his name, but no one answered. I hurriedly went over to check, but saw that his mouth and eyes were crooked, and he could no longer speak. I immediately realized that he might have had a stroke.

I hurriedly called the local emergency number 120, and soon an ambulance arrived to take my wife to the hospital. After examination, the doctor's diagnosis was consistent with my suspicion - my wife had indeed had a stroke. At that moment, my heart was full of worry and helplessness, and I only hoped that he would recover soon and continue to enjoy this wonderful travel life with us.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

My wife has always been the most important support in my life, but fate seems to be playing a cruel game on us. He was suddenly in danger of having a cerebral hemorrhage and a stroke, and the doctor's words were like a north wind in the cold winter, stinging my already fragile heart, which was in critical condition and had to be operated on immediately.

In that strange city, everything around me was so strange and indifferent, and the sudden bad news made me feel like I had been struck by lightning, and my body collapsed on the long corridor of the hospital as soon as I went limp. Loneliness and fear, like two merciless hands, gripped my throat so tightly that I could barely breathe.

I called my son's phone tremblingly, my voice full of helplessness and despair. After listening to my narration, his voice was also very anxious, but he tried to stay calm and comforted me: "Mom, don't panic first, listen to the doctor's arrangement." I immediately asked for leave from the company and flew over as soon as possible. ”

However, the reality of life is far more brutal than we think. The cost of surgical treatment is astronomical for us. Over the years, we have become addicted to travel and have spent almost all of our savings. Relying on a meager pension to make ends meet, a sudden serious illness put us in an unprecedented predicament.

I confided in my son about our predicament: "Son, your father's condition is very serious, and the doctor said that he needs immediate surgery, but we don't have the money to pay for the hospitalization. My voice was full of helplessness and self-reproach.

The son was silent for a moment, and then said, "Mom, don't worry, I'll give you 50,000 yuan first, and you pay the hospitalization fee first." I'll figure out the rest. His words were like a ray of sunshine that illuminated the darkness in my heart.

Soon, my son's 50,000 yuan was in my account. I quickly went through the hospitalization procedures for my wife and paid the expensive hospitalization fee. Soon, my son also rushed to the hospital. His arrival relieved the fear and loneliness in my heart a little.

After learning that we were out-of-town tourists, the doctor's tone revealed a hint of concern: "The elderly like to travel in an RV, and they are indeed chic. But when you get older, you are prone to physical problems. It's good to travel, but you also have to pay attention to your body.

After all, travel is also an energy-consuming activity, and it is also a test for the body. The doctor's words made me nod my head frequently, and a trace of remorse welled up in my heart.

Luckily, the son didn't blame us. He understands our love and pursuit of travel over the years. But I also know that his life is not easy.

The monthly mortgage, the responsibility of caring for his grandchildren, and the health problems of his in-laws all put him under a lot of pressure. And now, he has to worry about the cost of his father's surgery. It made me feel guilty and distressed.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

I said to my son, "Son, I'm sorry for you. We've spent so much money over the years to buy a caravan and travel, and now we're sick and we still have to pay for it. We might as well stay at home. My words were full of remorse and remorse.

But my son comforted me and said, "Mom, you have worked hard all your life, and you should enjoy life." The most important thing now is that Dad recovers as soon as possible. I'll do my best to raise money, you don't have to worry. His words made me feel incredibly warm and grateful.

With the support of his son and the efforts of doctors, his wife's condition was gradually brought under control. I know that this sudden illness has sounded the alarm bell for us, and it has made us cherish our current life and our loved ones even more. And I will pay more attention to my body and stop letting my family worry about me.

My son gently comforted me: "Mom, don't think too much. Dad and you have had a good time in the past few years, and it's enough. Although his words were light, the heaviness of reality weighed on his heart like a boulder. In order to treat our wife's illness now, we almost rely on the support of our son.

My wife's surgery was complicated and lengthy, and she spent more than ten days in the intensive care unit after the operation. During that time, my son kept telling the doctor to use the best medicine and that money was not an issue.

However, the 50,000 yuan for hospitalization was quickly exhausted, and the son did not hesitate to pay another 30,000 yuan. At that time, our pension had not yet arrived, and even if it did, it would only cover our daily expenses, which was just a drop in the bucket for the high medical bills.

At this moment, I deeply realized that when I am old, I must have some savings in my hands. Without savings, once you encounter a serious illness, you are really helpless. That day, when my wife's hospitalization expenses were exhausted again, I saw my son go out of the ward to make a phone call, and he didn't return for a long time. I was uneasy and wanted to see what he was doing.

I crept closer and found my son on the phone in the corner of the bathroom. Before I could get closer, I heard his anxious voice: "What's wrong with my parents going on a trip?" They just want to make their later life a little more colorful. Who could have predicted that they would get sick?

If they had known that this would happen, they would certainly not have gone out. I really don't have any money now, can you borrow tens of thousands of dollars from a colleague first? When this time passes, I will definitely find a way to pay it back. ”

His tone was full of helplessness and pleading, and I could feel his pressure and anxiety. Then, he said: "I'm more anxious than you, the company has urged me to go back to work several times." But now that my dad is still in the hospital, how can I walk away?

The hospitalization fee has been spent, my dad still needs treatment, and I really have no choice. Please, borrow some money for me first. When I go back, I will take care of everything at home and give you your salary, is that okay? ”

Hearing this, I had mixed feelings in my heart. I understood that my son was asking his daughter-in-law for help, and he asked her to help borrow money in a low voice. As a mother, it really hurts me to see my son so low for our medical bills.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

Even if my daughter-in-law never complained about anything, I knew she must be uncomfortable. After all, we have spent a lot of savings on our travels over the years, and now we have to rely on our son and daughter-in-law to cover the medical expenses.

When I think of this, my heart is filled with guilt and regret. If we had saved a little more, we might not be so passive now.

During the hospitalization of his wife, his son has been silently bearing all the medical expenses. I know this is a huge pressure for him and his daughter-in-law. But there was nothing I could do but silently pray that my wife would recover soon and reduce my son's burden.

After this experience, I deeply realized the importance of saving money. When you are old, you have savings in your hands to cope with sudden changes. I also hope that my son and daughter-in-law will understand our difficulties and not have conflicts because of this. After all, we are a family and should face life's challenges together.

I gradually understood her state of mind and helplessness. In the years after her retirement, she did not take care of the children for our son, but handed over this responsibility to her in-laws.

However, this has invisibly increased their burden. How can they not feel anxious about the pressure of taking care of their loved ones and dealing with the big expenses on our side?

Thankfully, my wife has recovered significantly from a serious illness. We are truly grateful to the doctors who gave us the care and care they provided even when we were away from home.

However, back home, my wife's life can only be regarded as semi-self-sufficient. Although he had suffered greatly, he had now improved significantly. He is in a wheelchair and can eat on his own, but he still needs my help to go to the toilet. Because of his fatter build, I often felt overwhelmed.

Taking on the responsibility of taking care of him on my own, I felt physically and mentally exhausted every day. Dizziness, dizziness, and backache became commonplace. After all, I am already an old man who is over the age of six, and I really feel powerless to take care of a semi-self-care patient.

Bathing him was an even more difficult task that I simply could not do alone. But the son insisted that he must bathe frequently, otherwise he would be prone to bedsores. Every time I go out grocery shopping, I feel very uncomfortable that he is alone at home. He sometimes tries to operate some of the appliances, which worries me deeply.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

We have considered hiring a babysitter on several occasions and my partner agrees. But the harsh reality is that we simply can't afford to babysit, and our pension adds up to only 8,000 yuan a month.

And hiring a nanny who can take care of the semi-self-care elderly will cost at least five or six thousand yuan per month. As a result, the rest of the money is simply not enough to cover our daily expenses, let alone buy medication for our spouse and pay for hospital check-ups.

My wife and I began to sink into deep regrets. If we hadn't bought a house, a car, or traveled a lot, we might still have some savings to afford a babysitter. But at this point, regret is no longer helpful.

Last May Day, my son and daughter-in-law came back to visit us. Seeing that I was exhausted every day, my son said to me distressedly: "Mom and Dad, you are working too hard, let's pay for you to hire a nanny." However, the daughter-in-law was silent at the time.

At night, I overheard them arguing in their bedrooms. The daughter-in-law said: "Over the years, I have helped you enough, and I still buy you so many nutritional products every month." Now I feel really stressed to ask us to pay for a babysitter. Hearing this, I had mixed feelings in my heart, not only understanding her difficulty, but also feeling helpless for our predicament.

In the face of the current predicament, we have to feel deeply worried and helpless. Now the company's operating conditions are not satisfactory, the year-end bonus is hopeless, the total monthly income of our husband and wife is only more than 10,000 yuan, and the children's education and growth expenses are increasing day by day, which makes us feel pressure.

Talking about the issue of hiring a nanny, the daughter-in-law said: We are really powerless. We've been saddled with heavy debt to treat your father's illness, which has made our lives even worse.

The daughter-in-law said this, her eyes glistened with tears, and she choked up. Seeing her grievances and helplessness, my heart was also mixed, and tears couldn't help blurring my eyes.

Looking back on the past, we used to spend 500,000 of our savings on travel, pursuing poetry and distant places. However, in the face of the reality of the predicament, we are almost penniless, and even hiring a nanny has become an unattainable luxury.

This makes us deeply realize that although the elderly can broaden their horizons, they must also do what they can and stop in moderation. Home is always our warmest harbor, and it is also the place we will eventually return to.

My wife and I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and we are really happy to travel everywhere, but now I regret it

We deeply regret that when we were in good health, we always felt that we had to enjoy life, but we did not expect the difficulties we have now. We used to think that having a pension would make us carefree.

However, reality tells us that life needs to be budgeted and not splurged. It's really not poor to eat, not to be poor in clothing, and to be poor if you can't count!

If we can do it all over again, we will definitely cherish every penny more, and we will not blindly buy a house to travel like before. We need to learn from this lesson and learn to enjoy life while also being well prepared for the future. Only in this way can we walk more steadily and calmly on the road of life.

Will everyone choose to travel everywhere like Aunt Wang in their later years? #头条创作挑战赛##老人怎么样才能过上幸福晚年?#

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