
There are many ideas, but they are too sensitive, "thank you when you see flowers"? Teach you a trick, desensitization, double the happiness

author:Shandong Geriatrics Society

There are too many ideas, the combat effectiveness is weak, people have to be middle-aged, wolfberry steamed buns can't bear it, I always feel that the time is not ideal, and the flowers are difficult to bloom, withering fast, sometimes just tonifying the kidney, it's really not good, Chinese medicine talks about syndrome differentiation, if you have liver stagnation, you go to tonify the kidney, you don't get on fire, who is on fire?

There are many ideas, but they are too sensitive, "thank you when you see flowers"? Teach you a trick, desensitization, double the happiness

There are also qi deficiency, blood deficiency, spleen and stomach weakness, lack of qi and blood, liver depression and spleen deficiency, spleen deficiency phlegm and dampness, kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, yin and yang deficiency, etc., there will be andrology problems, you want to ask for a fixed prescription from the hands of traditional Chinese medicine, curing all diseases, it must be impossible! If you say it's okay, you are designated as a liar.

There are many ideas, but they are too sensitive, "thank you when you see flowers"? Teach you a trick, desensitization, double the happiness

I met a patient before, what happened? It is that the waist and knees are sore, usually weak, and there is also weakness of the muscles, so I take Guifu Bawei Pill by myself as Yang Deficiency, and it seems that there is no problem, but after eating it for a while, I begin to be thirsty, and I am very hot at night, and I can't sleep.

I always feel that my body has a fire, and I am prone to tantrums, sometimes I can't get up, and it is very fast, the flowers will wither, and the sensitivity is higher, and the patient is weak when I see the doctor, my eyes are dull, my lips are relatively dry, I am thirsty, my stool is dry, my urine is less yellow, my tongue is not coating, and my tongue is red.

This is a typical heat evil hurts yin, and at the same time, the lack of yin is fire, and the fire is particularly strong, Zhang Jingyue has a saying, the lord of strong water is the sunshine.

There are many ideas, but they are too sensitive, "thank you when you see flowers"? Teach you a trick, desensitization, double the happiness

Formula: Scutellaria, Schisandra chinensis, black plum, angelica, gypsum, rehmannia root, Ophiopogon vulgaris, Zhimu, hyssop

This recipe is based on the jade girl decoction, which has the effect of clearing the viscera heat, clearing the stomach heat, and nourishing the kidney yin, you see the patient's dry mouth and dry stool, which shows that the Yangming stomach has heat, at this time, if the urine counts, you can use rhubarb, but the patient has dry stool, less urine, and dry mouth, which shows that the patient's heat evil hurts the yin, and the fluid is insufficient, which is not suitable for the completion of the attack, and is more suitable for raising yin and clearing heat.

There are many ideas, but they are too sensitive, "thank you when you see flowers"? Teach you a trick, desensitization, double the happiness

Therefore, gypsum clears the stomach and heat, wheat winter, and nourishes yin in the raw land, and the mother clears away heat and troubles, and the oxknee leads blood downward, nourishing the liver and kidneys. Xuanshen, Shengdi, and Mai Dong are liquid-increasing soups, which increase gastrointestinal fluid and help patients to defecate. Schisandra chinensis is solid and acidic, which can prevent the continuous loss of yin fluid. Wumei with angelica can nourish the liver, nourish the liver and blood, moisten the intestines and laxative, and also restrain the fire.

After a course of treatment, the patient's thirst and stool returned to normal, and the flowers bloomed vigorously and brilliantly.

Remember, everyone's physique is different, and the medication must be differentiated first, not blindly.