
The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? It can be replenished and discharged, and the spirit of deficiency can be improved

author:Shandong Geriatrics Society

The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? How to regulate?

The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? It can be replenished and discharged, and the spirit of deficiency can be improved

The topic of scrotal dampness, men may encounter a little bit more or less, such as a spicy diet, scrotal dampness for a period of time, this is a normal phenomenon, if you continue to be like this, then you should pay attention, especially the subsequent dysfunction, seriously affect the life of the couple, pay attention to the dampness and heat is also evil, easy to hurt people, damage yang.

I have a patient, 37 years old, scrotal dampness for many years, I don't care, after all, in addition to dampness, it is not fatal, but in the last two years, there is a heart problem.

The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? It can be replenished and discharged, and the spirit of deficiency can be improved

1. Find yourself shorter and shorter

2. The humidity is more serious, and there is a burning sensation

3. The stool is sticky and unpleasant, and the skin is seriously oily

4. I am usually weak and always want to lie down

5. The urine is inexhaustible, and the perineum has a feeling of swelling

6. The tongue coating is yellow and greasy, and the tongue is reddish

The comprehensive diagnosis is that there is dampness and stasis in the void, and there is heat in the stasis for a long time. At this time, in addition to clearing away heat and dampness, it is also necessary to pay attention to liver and kidney deficiency, and the patient's low mood is also a manifestation of qi stagnation and blood stasis.

The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? It can be replenished and discharged, and the spirit of deficiency can be improved

At that time, it was given to one side, Poria cocos, Sichuan slack, Sichuan hyssop, centipede, cork, atractylodes, qu wheat, white peony, coix seed, and yam

This prescription makes up for one leak and one pass, so that the patient eats less spicy and stays away from greasy, and after half a month, the patient has obvious urinary tract smoothness, dampness is reduced, and he feels never so cool.

The scrotum is damp and dysfunctional? It can be replenished and discharged, and the spirit of deficiency can be improved

The reason why the prostate problem is enlarged is actually a kind of calcification and fibrosis, and at this time, to be completely cured, the only way to change the internal humid environment can be to treat both the symptoms and the root causes. Don't be blind with medication, you must distinguish the syndrome first. A little bit of experience, I hope it will help you.