
She once served 30 directors a year, changing rooms and sleeping with her every night, but in the end she was jointly banned!

author:joys and sorrows
{"info":{"title":{"content":"她曾一年服侍30位导演,夜夜换房陪睡,最后却被联合封杀!","en":"She once served 30 directors a year, changing rooms and sleeping with her every night, but in the end she was jointly banned!"},"description":{"content":"文丨悲喜编辑丨悲喜前言:娱乐圈的光怪陆离,底层无数的演员,都是身不由己,夜夜笙歌,最后却是面临着无尽的黑暗。在这个灿烂的...","en":"Text丨Sadness and Joy Editor丨Sadness and Joy Foreword: The entertainment industry is bizarre, and countless actors at the bottom are all involuntarily, singing every night, but in the end, they are facing endless darkness. In this splendid..."}},"items":[]}