
Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

author:Lao Liang essay

Is lifespan related to height? Studies have revealed that men below 1.5 meters live longer and have their own anti-cancer genes

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, scientists have never stopped exploring human health and longevity. Recently, a study on the relationship between height and longevity has attracted widespread attention. According to the study, men under 1.5 meters tall may have a longer lifespan, and these short men also appear to carry a cancer-proof gene. This discovery not only reveals the mysterious link between height and longevity, but also provides a new perspective for our understanding of human health and longevity.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

1. The correlation between height and life expectancy

In past studies, scientists have found an association between height and the risk of several diseases. For example, some studies have shown that tall people have a relatively high risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc. Recent studies have shed further light on the relationship between height and longevity. Through the observation and analysis of a large number of people, scientists have found that men with a height of less than 1.5 meters live longer on average, and this trend is reflected in different countries and regions.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

2. Anti-cancer genes in short men

Why do short men live longer? The researchers found that this may be related to a protective longevity gene called "FOXO3" that they carry in their bodies. This gene inhibits the production of IGF-1, a growth hormone in the body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. In addition, short men may have lower blood insulin levels, which is one of the reasons why they have a lower chance of developing cancer.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

3. Practical cases and data analysis

Let's learn more about this finding with some real-world cases and data analysis. In the United States, a survey of 750 deceased men showed that short people lived an average of 11% longer than tall people, and lived 9~10 years longer. And in Germany, in a survey of centenarians, the average height of male birthday stars is 1.67 meters, and the average height of female birthday stars is 1.57 meters. In China, the Institute of Geriatrics tested 100 birthday stars over the age of 90 in Changsha and found that the average height of men was 1.50 meters and that of women was 1.40 meters. These data support the idea that there is a correlation between height and longevity.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

Fourth, the enlightenment in the field of science and technology

This study not only reveals the relationship between height and longevity, but also provides new ideas for us to understand human health and longevity. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, we can expect more breakthroughs in gene editing, health management and other fields in the future. For example, with gene editing technology, we may be able to target specific genes to reduce the risk of disease and prolong life. At the same time, the development of health management technology will also help us better understand our physical condition, take preventive measures in time, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base

V. Conclusions and prospects

The relationship between height and longevity is a complex and interesting topic. As scientific research continues to deepen, we are expected to unravel more about human health and longevity. At the same time, we should also recognize that height is not the only factor that determines longevity, and that factors such as a healthy lifestyle and a good attitude are equally important. In the future, let us look forward to more breakthroughs in the field of health and contribute more to human health and longevity.

Is lifespan related to height? Research: Men under 1.5 meters or live longer, with their own anti-cancer base