
Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

author:Fengzhen Sports
Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

The Chinese table tennis team has recently been preparing for the Taiyuan Challenge and Chongqing in preparation for the upcoming Paris Olympics.

In the process of preparing for the battle, many netizens expressed their views and expectations.

Some netizens said: The Chinese table tennis team is really working hard to prepare for the Olympic Games, and every member of the team is doing their best.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

I hope they can have a good performance in the Taiyuan Challenge and Chongqing!

This kind of effort and support for the national table tennis players reflects the voice of the fans.

On the other hand, some netizens expressed concern about some variables in the preparation process: seeing that the players were somewhat uncertain in the preparation process, they were also very worried.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

I hope they can cope with all kinds of challenges and win glory for the country!

This kind of attention and worry is also a true reflection of the fans' preparation for the national table tennis.

Some netizens also analyzed the state and performance of the national table tennis players: the national table tennis players encountered some challenges in the process of preparation, but there were also many bright spots.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

For example, Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin are in good shape, which gives us some confidence.

Such a rational analysis also adds some food for thought to the process of preparing for war.

The Chinese Table Tennis Association recently announced the list of selected men's singles players, confirming the qualifications of Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, while Ma Long can only compete in the men's team competition.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Some netizens said: Oops, Ma Long was not selected for the men's singles again, which is really a pity.

The Olympic singles quota is rare, and if Ma Long can participate in the men's singles competition, he may be able to refresh history again!

Such voices of regret are repeated on social media.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

On the other hand, some netizens have an understanding attitude towards this: although Ma Long regrets it, he is helpless.

The competition is too fierce, and the selection list is also based on strength.

It is also an honor for him to represent the country in the men's team competition.

Some fans even ridiculed: Brother Ma Long, don't let Teacher Fan and Wang Chuqin worry that you will steal their limelight, the men's team competition can also win glory for the country!

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

This humorous attitude also adds some fun to the topic.

At the same time, some netizens paid attention to Fan Zhendong and Wang Chuqin, and said: Teacher Fan and Wang Chuqin, amazing!

We look forward to seeing you do well at the Olympics! This kind of support and encouragement is also one of the motivations for the national table tennis players to prepare for the competition.

In such discussions and opinions, it reflects the fans' attention and enthusiasm for the preparation of national table tennis.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Whether it is for Ma Long's regret or for the support of other players, it reflects the important position and influence of national table tennis in the hearts of fans.

Preparing for the Paris Olympic Games, the national table tennis team members will win glory for the country with more enthusiasm and tenacious fighting spirit!

Wow, the New Zealander actually gave up the table tennis men's singles qualification!

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

As soon as this news came out, it caused many fans to discuss and be surprised.

Some netizens said: This decision is too unexpected! It's a bit confusing that New Zealanders don't want to go to the Olympics.

This confusion over the decision of the New Zealanders also represents the voice of some fans.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

In addition, there are also netizens who have an understanding and respectful attitude towards this: everyone has their own choice, and perhaps New Zealand players have their own reasons.

Although this adds some variables to the preparation of national table tennis, it also makes the game more interesting.

This rational view also reflects the attitude of some fans.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

And for the national table tennis players, this news did have some impact.

Some fans paid attention to this and said: Although the opponents of the main players such as Ma Long and Fan Zhendong have been reduced, the new competitors will also bring challenges to the national table tennis.

This is also a reminder that the national table tennis players need to stay focused and play every game well.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

In discussions like this, we see the attention and enthusiasm of fans for sporting events.

Whether it is the understanding of the players or the expectation of the competition, it shows the charm of sportsmanship and competitive culture.

Preparing for the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis team members will continue to work hard to meet the challenges in the best condition and strive for better results!

The road to preparing for the national table tennis tournament is full of challenges and variables, which has caused heated discussions among fans and sports commentators.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Some fans said: The preparation for the national table tennis is indeed not easy, internal personnel changes, and external competitive pressure are all challenges they need to face.

But I believe that they will meet the Taiyuan Challenge and Chongqing Station in the best condition and win glory for the country!

This kind of support and encouragement for the national table tennis players reflects the confidence and expectation of the fans.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

On the other hand, some netizens have some worries about the preparation of national table tennis: I have to say that the variables this time are indeed not small.

Although some opponents have been reduced, new competitors should not be underestimated.

National table tennis needs to be played steadily and steadily, and it cannot be taken lightly.

This concern also represents the realistic attitude of some fans towards the preparation of national table tennis.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

During the discussion, there were also sports commentators who analyzed the preparation for the national table tennis competition: the national table tennis players are indeed facing challenges and opportunities.

They need to be at their best, but they also need to be prepared for all kinds of uncertainties.

The ultimate victory depends on their own strength and hard work.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Such a rational analysis also gave fans some food for thought.

Whether it is support, worry or rational analysis, these views reflect the fans' attention and importance to the preparation of national table tennis.

The national table tennis players will continue to work hard, fight for the honor of the Paris Olympics with strength and hard work, and believe that they can meet the challenge and achieve excellent results!

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

I remember that on November 24, 16, Ma Long, a member of the national table tennis team, went to Henan Daily Newspaper Group with the national table tennis team to carry out a donation activity with love and public welfare.

This activity is not only a support for local designated poverty alleviation villages (or schools), but also a promotion and promotion of sports.

For such public welfare activities, many netizens have expressed their views and feelings.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Some netizens said: Ma Long's public welfare activities this time are really heartwarming!

Not only to support local development, but also to expose more children to sports, this spirit is worth emulating!

This kind of support and recognition of Malone shows the kind mentality of netizens.

In addition, some netizens thought about the impact of this event: the donation of sports equipment can not only improve local sports conditions, but also help cultivate more outstanding sports talents.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

I hope this kind of public welfare activity can continue! This expectation and expectation of public welfare activities reflects the society's concern for the development of sports.

Some netizens praised Ma Long's behavior: As a member of the national team, Ma Long not only had an outstanding performance on the field, but also showed responsibility and responsibility in public welfare.

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

Respectable! This affirmation of Ma Long also inspires more people to actively participate in public welfare undertakings.

In general, Ma Long's public welfare activity has attracted praise and attention among netizens.

I hope that this spirit of love and public welfare can continue to be passed on and contribute more to the development and progress of society!

Official announcement! The first person to give up the men's singles qualification for table tennis at the Paris Olympics, congratulations to Ma Long! Congratulations to Fan Zhendong

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