
How the Timberwolves played with themselves, looked down on Jokic, and Gobert's birth became a turning point

author:Xiaoyi said sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"森林狼如何把自己玩没的,看轻约基奇,戈贝尔生孩子成转折点","en":"How the Timberwolves played with themselves, looked down on Jokic, and Gobert's birth became a turning point"},"description":{"content":"明尼苏达森林狼队在2023-2024赛季NBA常规赛中的表现堪称灾难,球队战绩一落千丈,管理层的一系列决策失误更是让球队...","en":"The Minnesota Timberwolves' performance in the 2023-2024 NBA regular season was a disaster, with the team's record plummeting and a series of decision-making mistakes by management that made the team..."}},"items":[]}