
Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

author:Ah Yi

Topic: Before the old man who lived alone died, he shouted to his granddaughter to go back to see him, and his grandfather couldn't live anymore

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Late at night, in a quiet rural hut, a lonely rickety old man sat quietly in a rocking chair, his eyes revealing endless sadness. His name is Grandpa Li, and he is an old man in this village. Most of the young people in the village have gone out to work, leaving their parents and grandparents alone to watch over their homes.

Grandpa Li has been through the wind and frost for many years. He sat quietly in his rocking chair, his body trembling slightly, his eyes moist. He looked at the surveillance camera on the wall, as if waiting for something, waiting for the return of the people he cared about the most, his two granddaughters.


On this day, Grandpa Li has been dead for ten days. However, a surveillance video he left behind caused an uproar online. In the video, Grandpa Li lonely shouted the names of his two granddaughters to the camera: "Xiaolin, Xiaoqin, go home and see grandpa." Grandpa can't get by, and grandpa will leave tomorrow. ”

This heartbreaking image makes people sigh and realize the loneliness and helplessness of the elderly who live alone. In the past, Grandpa Li always lived silently alone, without much communication and companionship. They don't know how to play with their phones, they don't turn on the TV, they eat three meals a day, they do some farm work, but they experience too much loneliness and helplessness.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

Perhaps, Grandpa Li is not in a good mood, he is already old, and his lonely life has gradually made him lose the joy of life. He longs for the company of his relatives and hopes that his two granddaughters can come back to see him and bring him warm companionship. His cry is a kind of helplessness, a confusion about life, and a desire for family affection.

However, we can't simply think that Grandpa Li's shouts are just to get attention, just to get the granddaughters home as soon as possible. Perhaps, Grandpa Li didn't know that he was really "leaving", but his heart was full of thoughts and attachment to his granddaughters. They are the dearest people to him, the persistence and hope in his life.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

Lonely days make people's desire to survive fragile, as if a thin string could break at any time. The elderly who live alone endure endless loneliness and silence, and their cries are often swallowed up by silence. We can't leave the elderly alone, they need our company and love.

Despite the reality that people can't fully care for seniors living alone, there are things we can do. Communities can establish a more complete care mechanism and regularly visit the elderly who live alone to give them care and attention. At the same time, the government should also increase its support for the welfare of the elderly, provide more community activities and social places, so that the elderly have more opportunities to make friends and reduce their loneliness.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

At the same time, young people also need to reflect on their lifestyles. While chasing a career and a busy life, we can't ignore the companionship and love of our families. While work and responsibilities are important, the health and well-being of your family is even more valuable. We need to learn to balance work and family, try to spend as much time as possible with our families, give them care and companionship, and let them feel our love.

The dissemination of this video has attracted widespread attention and discussion, and has also aroused people's attention to the issue of elderly people living alone. We should see the seriousness of this problem and take active action to provide more care and support for the elderly living alone.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

The current situation and dilemma of the elderly living alone: further explore the problems and dilemmas faced by the elderly living alone, such as loneliness, psychological pressure, and decreased self-care ability. Relevant research data and real-life cases can be cited to give readers a deeper understanding of the problem.

Society's attention and support for the elderly living alone: Introduce the support and services provided by some social organizations, volunteer groups or government agencies to the elderly living alone, such as regular visits, psychological counseling, medical care, etc. Emphasize the care and responsibility of the society, and call on more people to participate.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

Changes in Traditional Family Values: Exploring the changes in family structure in modern society, young people often find it difficult to spend long periods of time with their parents and grandparents due to work pressure and economic conditions. Some thoughts and suggestions are put forward on the impact of this change on the elderly living alone and how to balance the relationship between family and career.

The importance of mental health issues: Emphasize the importance of mental health problems for older people living alone, explore the impact of loneliness on mental health, and how to alleviate loneliness through social activities, hobbies, etc. At the same time, young people are encouraged to pay more attention to the psychological needs of the elderly living alone and give them emotional support.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

International Experience and Reference: Through the introduction of the experience and practices of other countries on the issue of elderly living alone, such as the "neighborhood organization" in Japan and the community care model in European countries, readers are inspired to think about how to learn from and apply it to the actual situation in China.

Establishment of long-term care guarantee mechanism: Discuss the necessity and feasibility of establishing a long-term care security mechanism, including the responsibility and participation of government departments, social organizations and individuals, to provide more comprehensive and sustainable care services for the elderly living alone.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

Practice the social values of respecting and loving the elderly: call for more values of respecting and loving the elderly in the society, and encourage people to start from small things, such as respecting the elderly, caring for the elderly living alone, etc., to jointly create a caring and warm social environment.

In closing, I would like to invite all readers to think and act together. Whether it's from our families or communities, we can make a difference to bring warmth and love to seniors who live alone. If you have any experiences, ideas or suggestions about seniors living alone, please leave a comment below and let us share them together and contribute to improving the lives of seniors living alone.

Call in surveillance: An elderly man who lives alone is looking forward to his granddaughter's return

Let us work together to make the elderly who live alone no longer lonely and let them feel the warmth and care of society. Every elderly person deserves to be respected and cared for, let us interpret this love with our actions. #监控中的呼唤: The elderly who live alone are looking forward to the return of their granddaughter

#监控记录: The deep affection of the dying old man for his granddaughter