
The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

author:Imperial Historical Arguments

After retiring at the age of 85, the famous Taiwanese host Fu Daren should have enjoyed a comfortable life in his old age, but he decided to go to Switzerland to perform euthanasia.

Even after arriving in Switzerland, when he was about to drink the glass of "death", he joked with his family with a smile: "Do I want to drink it in one gulp?" Is it okay to take two bites? ”

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Afterwards, the video of Fu Daren's euthanasia was posted on the Internet, and everyone couldn't help but be full of doubts about Fu Daren's approach.

He obviously has no shortage of identity and money, why did he choose euthanasia? What kind of legendary experience does Fu Daren have in this life?

Fu Daren unfortunately suffered from pancreatic cancer

Fu Daren, this name has been thunderous in Taiwan's film and television circles,

He has won the love of countless audiences with his unique sense of humor and superior eloquence.

As a veteran host, his image in front of the screen is always full of energy and brings endless joy to people.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

However, the years are not forgiving, and Fu Daren chose to retire as he grew older.

Slowly, the audience can't see the humorous host under the TV.

He originally hoped to enjoy his old age in peace, to enjoy a peace and happiness, but fate gave him a severe test.

In 2016, Fu Daren began to feel abdominal discomfort, and frequent pain and diarrhea made him lose weight day by day.

At first, Fu Daren was not overly concerned about this, thinking that it was just due to improper diet.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

But as his symptoms worsened, he finally decided to go to the hospital for a check-up, but the result was like a bolt from the blue, and he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

In the face of such news, even Fu Daren, who had long been aware of life and death, couldn't help but feel shocked and reluctant.

Despite his advanced age, Fu Daren decided to face the treatment positively, and the pain of chemotherapy and surgery was almost unbearable for him.

The doctor's further news was even more heartbreaking: even if the surgery was continued, the success rate would be only half that would extend the life by a maximum of two years.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

The torture of illness caused Fu Daren's weight to drop sharply, and his spirit became increasingly depressed.

His family, especially his son Fu Junhao, watched his father suffer, and his heart was full of helplessness and pain.

Fu Daren came up with the idea of euthanasia

In such a state where life is worse than death, Fu Daren began to consider a difficult decision, he was going to perform euthanasia, which would also allow him to leave less painfully.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

At first, the idea was strongly opposed by his family, especially Fu Junhao,

He was reluctant to give up any hope, but as Fu's condition deteriorated, his family's attitude began to change.

Fu Daren's condition continued to deteriorate, and his life became extremely painful.

He used to be an athlete who loved sports, but now he needs to rely on others for even the most basic life.

His body was covered in various lines and he had to endure the pain of needle and infusions every day.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Even at his son's wedding, Fu Daren still needed painkiller injections to survive the scene in order to attend his son's wedding, even if it was painful, he still wanted to send blessings to his son.

It was also under such torture that Fu Daren strengthened his determination to euthanasia.

Although euthanasia was not legalized in China, he and his family decided to travel to Switzerland, a country where euthanasia is allowed.

The decision was undoubtedly difficult, but for Fu and his family, it was probably the only way to free them from their endless pain.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

A bumpy past year

And this well-known host in Taiwan's film and television industry not only has a brilliant career,

His love life is also remarkable, and he is also known as a person who has "2.5 marriages" and has complex emotional experiences.

In 1933, Fu Daren was born in a scholarly family in Jinan, Shandong, his father Fu Zhonggui was a brave anti-Japanese general, and the family has always been proud of serving the country.

However, fate always plays tricks on people, when Fu Daren was only 5 years old, his father Fu Zhonggui unfortunately died heroically in the flames of war.

His mother also passed away due to excessive sadness, and Fu Daren was lonely and miserable from then on, losing the protection of his parents.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Fortunately, with the care of relatives and friends, Fu Daren was able to get through that lonely childhood.

Relatives took turns to take care of him, and despite the scarcity of life, he still felt the warmth of the world.

It was not until later, due to the emergence of a large number of orphans caused by the war, that the government set up a special school for orphans to provide opportunities for these children to study, and Fu Daren was naturally sent to the orphan school by his relatives.

There, although Fu Daren was lonely, he at least had a place to study, and the teachers cared for these children.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Fu Daren is diligent and studious, and he has grown rapidly in school, and gradually shows extraordinary sports cells, especially in basketball, he is quite talented and has won a lot of praise.

In 1949, with the defeat of the Nationalist Government in the Taiwan Strait, all teachers and students had to move to Taiwan en masse.

Fu Daren, who had just turned 16, was far away from his hometown and came to a strange environment.

At that time, Taiwan was rebuilt after the war, and life was poor, and Fu Daren only relied on government subsidies to maintain food and clothing, and his life was quite difficult.

After Fu Daren came to Taiwan, he also studied very hard and was admitted to the university with a good grade.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

After entering college, Fu Daren also began to develop his own hobbies.

With his love for basketball and excellent skills, he overcame obstacles all the way to become a professional basketball player, and later turned to a commentator.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

The success of his career as a commentator has also earned him the love of countless fans, including a 33-year-old Miss Chen.

At first, Fu Daren deliberately kept his distance from the fan, but Miss Chen's enthusiasm and persistence eventually moved him, and the two fell in love and gave birth to a son, Fu Junhao.

It is worth mentioning that although Fu Daren was married at the time, his wife Zheng Wangjue accepted Miss Chen and her children calmly, and the three even lived together for a time, which is admirable.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Mr. Cheng was not only tolerant and generous, but also an important supporter of Fu's career, who publicly praised her for her pure Mandarin and often acted as his language teacher.

Fu Daren's life can be described as dramatic, from orphan to athlete, from hosting the Red Star to euthanasia, he has witnessed all kinds of life.

His love life is even more fascinating and unforgettable, not only does he have a happy marriage, but he also has a secret lover and illegitimate children, but it does not cause family distrust and conflict.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

However, in addition to all this, perhaps the most unforgettable thing for Fu Daren is his heroic father who sacrificed his life.

For many years, he had been hoping to find his father's remains, and finally learned the whereabouts of his father's tablet at the Taipei Martyrs' Shrine, which was a wish.

Before his death, he also publicly reprimanded those who had altered history, expressing his infinite admiration for his father.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

Perform euthanasia

On June 2, 2018, Fu Daren and his family flew to Switzerland, where they were finally allowed to end their lives by committing suicide by drinking "pentobarbital".

This veteran artist, who has a brilliant hosting career, is very calm when facing the end of his life, and when he sits in front of the camera for the last time, he has a calm smile on his face.

He held up the cup containing the lethal medicine and asked the doctor if he could finish it in several sips, and after the doctor answered, Fu Daren said his last goodbye to the world.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?

He said goodbye in four different national languages, drank it all in one gulp, and lay peacefully in his son's arms ready to die.

In 2019, Fu Junhao released a video of his father drinking euthanasia before his death in accordance with his father's last wishes.

Although this release has aroused many people's doubts and incomprehension, Fu Junhao is satisfied as long as he thinks that his father will not be in pain when he leaves.

The famous host went to Switzerland to euthanize, and smiled at the camera before dying: Do you need a mouthful?


Fu Daren's life experience makes us reflect on the meaning and value of life, everyone has their own opinions and choices about life, and we should respect each other.

Life is not long, but we should all strive to live the way we want, pursue our inner dreams, and discover the meaning and value of life.

Just like Fu Daren, in his limited life, he showed himself to the fullest, pursued his dreams, and lived a wonderful life.

Respecting life, pursuing dreams, embracing beauty, and living in the present are the inspirations that Fu Daren gave us when he passed through the last moments of his life.

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