
Sony PS5 (thin and light version) disc drive version opens pre-sale JD price from 3599 yuan can be enjoyed

author:Cute rabbit
{"info":{"title":{"content":"索尼PS5(轻薄版)光驱版开启预售 京东价3599元起可享配","en":"Sony PS5 (thin and light version) disc drive version opens pre-sale JD price from 3599 yuan can be enjoyed"},"description":{"content":"索尼PS5(轻薄版)光驱版预售开启:游戏界的革新风暴来袭在科技日新月异的今天,每一次新产品的发布都如同在平静的湖面上投下...","en":"Sony PS5 (Thin and Light) disc drive version pre-sale opens: the game industry innovation storm is comingIn today's rapid technological development, every new product release is like casting on a calm lake..."}},"items":[]}