
8 goals in 41 games worth 75 million? Manchester United fans: You are nothing without Cristiano Ronaldo and Jose Mourinho

author:Little mushrooms who love to learn
{"info":{"title":{"content":"41场8球值7500万?曼联球迷:没有C罗和穆帅,你啥也不是","en":"8 goals in 41 games worth 75 million? Manchester United fans: You are nothing without Cristiano Ronaldo and Jose Mourinho"},"description":{"content":"拉什福德与曼联:忠诚与质疑的逆时之旅在曼联的传奇历史中,无数球星用他们的汗水和努力书写了辉煌的篇章。然而,在这个赛季里,...","en":"Marcus Rashford and Manchester United: A Journey of Loyalty and DoubtThroughout Manchester United's storied history, countless stars have written glorious chapters with their sweat and hard work. However, in this season,..."}},"items":[]}