
The top 100 global beauty companies have been released, and L'Oréal is leading the rise of China's new forces and will lead the beauty trend

author:Zhang Yan's life
{"info":{"title":{"content":"全球美妆100强出炉,欧莱雅领跑中国新势力崛起,将引领美妆新潮","en":"The top 100 global beauty companies have been released, and L'Oréal is leading the rise of China's new forces and will lead the beauty trend"},"description":{"content":"近日,备受瞩目的全球美妆行业盛事再次拉开帷幕,女装日报(WWD)公布了2023年全球美妆企业百强名单。这份榜单不仅揭示了...","en":"Recently, the high-profile global beauty industry event kicked off again, and Women's Wear Daily (WWD) announced the list of the top 100 global beauty companies in 2023. This list not only reveals..."}},"items":[]}