
Eight years ago, I was naked for a medical check-up, but unexpectedly, a female soldier pushed the door in, and now she and I are married

author:Angel Emotional Drama
{"info":{"title":{"content":"8年前我一丝不挂体检,不料一名女兵推门进来,如今和我结为夫妻","en":"Eight years ago, I was naked for a medical check-up, but unexpectedly, a female soldier pushed the door in, and now she and I are married"},"description":{"content":"8年前的一个春日清晨,小城镇的日子总是平淡如水。阳光和煦,微风不燥,空气中弥漫着梧桐叶的芳香。李文强打着哈欠,从摇摇欲坠...","en":"On a spring morning eight years ago, the days in a small town were always as dull as water. The sun is warm, the breeze is not dry, and the air is filled with the fragrance of sycamore leaves. Li Wenqiang yawned, from the crumbling..."}},"items":[]}