
First win at home! Yatai 3-2 Guoan escaped from the relegation zone, Zhang Yuan sent a point in stoppage time, and Zoey killed in 99 minutes

author:Entertainment Notes Little Y
{"info":{"title":{"content":"主场首胜!亚泰3-2国安逃离降级区 张源补时送点祖伊99分钟点杀","en":"First win at home! Yatai 3-2 Guoan escaped from the relegation zone, Zhang Yuan sent a point in stoppage time, and Zoey killed in 99 minutes"},"description":{"content":"阅读此文前,麻烦您点击一下“关注”,既方便您进行讨论与分享,又给您带来不一样的参与感,感谢您的支持。这中超第12轮比赛可...","en":"Before reading this article, please click \"Follow\", which is not only convenient for you to discuss and share, but also brings you a different sense of participation, thank you for your support. The 12th round of the Chinese Super League can..."}},"items":[]}