
lived up to expectations, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" was well received all the way when it was launched, and CCTV's vision was really good

author:Xiao Zhen said three farmers
{"info":{"title":{"content":"不负众望,《庆余年2》开播收获一路好评,央视的眼光果然不错","en":"lived up to expectations, \"Celebrating More Than Years 2\" was well received all the way when it was launched, and CCTV's vision was really good"},"description":{"content":"为了您更好的阅读互动体验,为了您及时看到更多内容,点个“关注”,我们每天为您更新精彩资讯!盼望已久的钜制终于浩浩荡荡归来...","en":"For your better reading and interactive experience, in order for you to see more content in time, click \"Follow\", we will update you with wonderful information every day! The long-awaited masterpiece has finally returned..."}},"items":[]}