
My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!


In the mottled old house, Uncle Li and the Wang couple packed up a few old belongings, which they bought when they were young, and although time passed, they still flashed the light of their past lives. The wind blows the curtains in the village, revealing an indescribable intimacy and tranquility.

"Wang, look at this coffee table, we bought it when we got married, and after so many years, I don't feel old at all." Uncle Li wiped the tabletop, and his vicissitudes of life showed a satisfied smile.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Yes, Uncle Li, you remember that when we first moved here, our daughter was still young, and she always ran around this coffee table." Wang lovingly recalled, holding a frayed cloth in her hand and wiping a small stool in the corner.

"Hey, time flies so fast, and in a blink of an eye, the children are out there." Uncle Li sighed, and a trace of sorrow crossed his eyebrows.

Wang put down the cloth in his hand and turned to look at him: "Uncle Li, it's time for the two of us to enjoy Qingfu, although the pension is not much, but in the village, we can get by." "

"That's right, I really can't stand the fast-paced life in the city." Uncle Li shook his head, "In the village, we can grow vegetables and raise chickens, isn't it good?" A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Yes, yes, grow vegetables and raise chickens!" Wang's eyes lit up, and he became excited with Uncle Li's topic.

Uncle Li stood up, walked to the door, opened the door and looked out, the vegetable garden in the yard was green, and a few local chickens were grabbing food there. He turned to Wang and said, "Tomorrow I will go to town and buy some rapeseed and chicken feed." "

Wang replied in the house: "Okay, our own food is safe to eat, the air, water and soil in our village are first-class!" "

"That's right, go to the city and see the children, they are busy every day, I look tired." Uncle Li said in a kind tone, "But we can't let the children think that we are coming back to lighten their burden." ”

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

Just as the two were planning their leisurely retirement life, their daughter Li Fang suddenly called, and her voice in the city came through the phone.

"Mom, Dad, are you still used to it in the village?" Li Fang's words were full of concern.

"Habit, habit, we are very good in the village." Uncle Li hurriedly replied, his tone was full of satisfaction.

Li Fang smiled: "That's great, if you need anything, feel free to tell me." "

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"It's okay, we don't lack anything, you're busy, don't worry about us." Wang also said on the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the two old men looked at each other and smiled, and began to plan their trip to the town tomorrow. This is their life, which contains deep love in the plain, simple, but warm. After a busy day, Uncle Li and Wang sat under the lamp, and a warm yellow light stretched the shadows of the two of them long. The night in the village is always quiet, except for the occasional barking of dogs outside the window.

"Uncle Li, Second Aunt Li came to ask me to borrow money again today." Wang frowned, a little helpless.

"Oh? What's wrong with her? Uncle Li stopped what he was doing and asked with concern.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"She said that her grandson was going to college, and the family didn't have enough money." Wang sighed softly, "Although we have to help people, we can't always be the object of borrowing money." "

Uncle Li squinted his eyes and thought for a moment: "This... We can't help them all the time. Otherwise, I'll talk to her tomorrow and see if I can think of something else. "

While they were discussing this matter, the next-door neighbor Lao Wang walked in from outside, and they and Uncle Li's family had been old neighbors for many years.

"Uncle Li, people in the town are saying that you bought a lot of ribs today, is it true?" As soon as Lao Wang entered the door, he asked about this.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Ribs? I bought some and brought them back to cook, and not much. Uncle Li replied in surprise.

"You don't know, Uncle Li, now the whole village is rumored that you spent hundreds of dollars to buy pork ribs." Lao Wang said with some excitement.

"Hundreds? Where the words! I only bought ribs for more than 100 yuan. Uncle Li couldn't laugh or cry a little.

Wang was not happy: "We eat something good ourselves, but we also have to be gossiped about, this is too much!"

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

Lao Wang hurriedly waved his hand: "I know you are not that kind of person, but you have been in the city for a long time, and the people in the village do not understand, and they always feel that you have a high income and a luxurious life." Wang explained.

"But we are living the most simple life now, isn't this also to save money and go back to the village to support the elderly?" Uncle Li looked a little helpless.

"Uncle Li, I think your old man should make it clear that they are not jealous of you, but may be envious of your children in the city." Lao Wang added.

"Whose children are not the meat of their hearts, we also hope they are good, what is there to envy." Wang couldn't help but complain.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

While they were chatting, there was another round of confusion in the village, with some people talking about their children's salaries and lifestyles in the city, as well as Uncle Li's occasional purchase of meat.

"This makes people sound so uncomfortable, Wang, although we are back, we always feel like outsiders in the village." Uncle Li shook his head and said.

"Yes, we have worked hard in the city all our lives, saved some money, our children have gone to college, and our jobs are good, and we have become sinners when we come back to support our retirement." Wang's face was sad.

Lao Wang looked at the heavy expressions of the two old men and comforted: "Uncle Li, Wang, you two relax, after a long time, everyone will understand." "

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Lao Wang, thank you for coming and telling us this." Uncle Li said gratefully.

Lao Wang stood up and patted Uncle Li on the shoulder: "Okay, I won't bother you today."

I'm resting, and I hope this thing will pass soon. "

"With your words, we can rest assured." Wang smiled and sent Lao Wang out.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

Closing the door, Uncle Li and Wang sat down face to face, but this time, they were silent, the night was getting deeper and deeper, and there were more and more thoughts in their hearts. The air in the village suddenly became tense, and the rib incident rippled like a boulder thrown into a calm lake.

One night, Uncle Li and Wang were sitting at a humble dining table, their shiny pork ribs exuding an enticing aroma. Wang fiddled with the kitchenware, and the happiness on his face was overflowing.

"Uncle Li, come, try the ribs I burned, I've been thinking about it for a while!" Wang happily handed Uncle Li a piece of pork ribs.

"Just smell it and know you're top-notch." Uncle Li smiled and picked up a piece, blew the hot air, and put it in his mouth, enjoying himself.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

But the happy atmosphere did not last long.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you lately? I've heard that people in the village are saying that you are wasteful, what is the matter with the ribs? This is their son Xiaojie's dissatisfied voice coming from the other end of the phone.

Uncle Li's smile gradually disappeared: "You all know this?" So, we bought some ribs, and somehow it was said to be extravagant. "

"All we've heard here is the news that you've spent a lot of money in the village, is it all rumors?" Xiaojie asked puzzled.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

Wang took the phone, and his tone was a little helpless: "Of course it's a rumor, your mother and I have been diligent and thrifty all my life, how could it suddenly become like that?" "

"But some relatives called, and they all said very truthfully, which made it difficult for us to do it." Xiaojie was indignant.

Uncle Li knew that this incident had affected the children, and his face was solemn: "Xiaojie, just tell them that this is all nonsense from the people in the village, let's just know it in our hearts." "

The next day, Xiaojie returned to the village with his wife and daughter, and he planned to rehabilitate his parents in person.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Uncle Li, we came back this time just to see with our own eyes whether you are really as generous as the village said." As soon as Xiaojie entered the door, he spread things out.

Uncle Li and the Wang family asked them to sit down first, and the Wang family was even more busy pouring tea: "Xiaojie, what's the matter, look at this house, it's not the day of frugality." "

"Really, we are all aggrieved and have nowhere to tell." Uncle Li shook his head, his eyes full of helplessness.

At this time, the village chief and several villagers came to Uncle Li's house, claiming to come to investigate the so-called "extravagance and waste".

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

Xiaojie frowned, stood up and stood up in front of his parents: "What our family does is our own business, I don't understand why you care so much?" "

"Of course we do!" The village chief's tone was correct, "Your family suddenly spent a lot of money to buy pork ribs, of course everyone has to ask for an explanation!" "

"But what's wrong with buying some ribs? Is it true that we have worked so hard that we have become a mistake to eat a good meal? Xiao Jie was filled with indignation, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

Wang hurriedly came forward to round the scene: "Okay, okay, don't argue, in fact, it's all a misunderstanding, we did buy pork ribs, but it is not as exaggerated as you said." "

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

After listening to this explanation, the expression on the faces of the village chief and the villagers softened slightly, but they were still suspicious.

Little Jay pulled his daughter: "You see, my daughter is at the age of studying, and we also need to plan for their future. We all have to live frugally, how can we do the kind of thing that everyone preached? "

The village chief was silent for a moment, and finally spoke: "If it is really as you say, then we have indeed misunderstood you. "

This misunderstanding caused the emotions and values between the two generations to experience a profound collision. The feeling of depression in the air gradually disappeared, and the faces of Uncle Li, Wang, and Xiaojie's family gradually showed a relieved smile. After that conflict, Uncle Li's home gradually returned to its former peace. The ribs incident is a thing of the past, and the attitude of the villagers towards them has also changed significantly.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

One sunny afternoon, Uncle Li and Wang sat on a wicker chair in the backyard, enjoying the warm sunshine.

"Wang, look at our vegetable garden, is it much greener than last month?" Uncle Li squinted his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Yes, Uncle Li, the vegetables we grow are all strong." Wang replied, stretching out his hand to sort out the flowers and plants around him.

"Look at our eggplant, we will definitely have a good harvest this year." Uncle Li excitedly pointed to the eggplant stand not far away.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Indeed, not only eggplants, but also our tomatoes and cucumbers grow well." Wang agreed.

At this time, their daughter Xiaofang pushed open the courtyard door, carrying a basket of fresh vegetables and fruits in her hand.

"Dad, Mom, I'm coming back from the market and bringing you some fresh fruits and vegetables." Xiao Fang smiled and walked over to the two old men.

"This kid, we don't grow it ourselves." Uncle Li shook his head with a smile.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"I know, but I want to give you a change of taste." Xiao Fang said sweetly.

A few villagers not far away passed by, and when they saw the happy scene of Uncle Li's family, they showed friendly smiles one by one.

"Uncle Li, is it comfortable to sit in this backyard?" A villager who came to say hello asked.

"That's not it, bask in the sun, chat, life is quite moist." Uncle Li replied cheerfully.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"We misunderstood you before, sorry." The villager said with some embarrassment.

"Haha, it's all over, we are a family, how can there be no misunderstanding?" Uncle Li responded optimistically.

Subsequently, Xiaojie also appeared with his family, he carried a big basket, and said to his parents with a smile: "Dad, Mom, today I invited a few friends from your village to come to the house for dinner, everyone gathered, and they were happy!" "

"Oh, isn't that a mess?" Wang pretended to be angry and said.

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!

"Where to say, good things, good things, how good it is to let everyone know us better." Uncle Li happily agreed.

The afternoon sun shone on the faces of the old couple, and the evening breeze brought a touch of coolness and tranquility. They sat quietly, listening to the chirping of insects and birds from the fields, and felt the harmony of life.

Time flows slowly in such leisure, and there are no more meaningless disputes and misunderstandings. The children are also beginning to understand that everyone's life choices deserve respect.

Later life should be one of tranquility and understanding. Uncle Li and Wang don't need to prove anything, they just need to enjoy the good times they have worked so hard. Aren't those hustle and bustle just part of life?

My wife and I have a pension of more than 7,000, and we have only been back in the village for half a year, and we don't even dare to eat pork ribs!