
Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

author:Naughty elves

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Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Text: Naughty elf

Naughty elf

There has never been a shortage of people in this world who "eat melons", and I am one of them.

A few days ago, I was browsing the circle of friends, and suddenly saw a hot search - Tang Wei.

Yes, that's right, it's the big star who became famous because of "Lust and Caution".

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

I remember that she once caused an uproar in the film industry, but it seems that the topic has been brought up again.

So, I clicked on it curiously, and sure enough, it was full of speculation and arguments.

Do you know? Tang Wei is now 45 years old.

However, she has achieved quite a lot in South Korea.

Don't underestimate her, no matter how old she is, her strength should not be underestimated!

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

However, if you want to talk about Tang Wei, you can't escape the figure of "Lust Caution".

thought that at the beginning, she became famous overnight because of this movie, but after this night, she seemed to have fallen into a long dark night.

Blocking, questioning, guessing, all of this seems to be entangled with her.

It is said that Tang Wei hesitated for a while in the face of the large-scale bed scenes in the script of "Lust and Caution" when he first debuted.

Can you understand this kind of thing? After all, it's not so easy for anyone to put their privacy on the big screen.

But in the end, she still took it, and her courage was commendable.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Imagine that when acting, she has to face not only the camera, but also those eyes.

For the sake of "artistic effect", the director made her have to see her naked in front of the camera.

I can't imagine this kind of situation.

While she was struggling on set, there was also an emotional struggle.

Tang Wei's boyfriend, Tian Yu, parted ways with her because of this movie.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Love and career are sometimes really an insurmountable gap.

"Lust and Caution" is undoubtedly a controversial film, and the large-scale scenes have attracted countless discussions.

But, you know what? Despite its skepticism, it has won numerous awards.

Tang Wei also became famous in one fell swoop, but the label of "glamorous girl" is like a mark that can never be erased.

I can't help but wonder, is this a dedication to art, or is it the beginning of a hype? Where is the line between art and vulgarity?

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Yes, this is not only Tang Wei's story, but also a microcosm of the entire entertainment industry.

This controversy over "naked art" actually reflects the different views of society on art and morality.

Everyone's definition of "art" is different, let alone vulgar.

I would say that maybe we need more time to think about it.

What makes us think that some things are art and others are vulgar? Is it just because we have different aesthetic concepts in our hearts?

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Finally, I would like to ask you, do you think Tang Wei's performance in "Lust and Caution" is more artistic, or more vulgar? In this impetuous era, people always seek excitement and publicity, and the entertainment industry is even more so.

Tang Wei, as an actor, was inevitably caught up in this storm.

Her experience, which may seem like an individual case, also reflects a model of the entire industry.

Tang Wei's performance in "Lust and Caution" is undoubtedly outstanding, and she vividly interprets a woman who is struggling within.

However, she has also been controversial because of this role.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

People's attention to her has long been not only because of her acting skills, but also because of the "nakedness" she presents.

In this era of information explosion, we seem to have become accustomed to the aesthetic of "nakedness", and even associate it with "art".

But what is the meaning of this nakedness? Is it a real show, or is it a deliberate hype?

Perhaps, on the road of pursuing art, it is always difficult for us to get rid of the world's vision.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

Just like Tang Wei, she may just want to show a real character through her performance, but she has been ruthlessly interpreted by the outside world into another meaning.

When we talk about art and vulgarity, we tend to fall into a quagmire from which we cannot extricate ourselves.

Because the line between the two is not so clear.

Everyone's aesthetic concept is different, so the understanding of the same thing will be very different.

Just like those who commented on Tang Wei, some people praised her courage and acting skills, while others thought she was just hype.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

And this disagreement may be due to our different understandings of art.

Perhaps, on this issue, we need more tolerance and understanding.

Perhaps, we should learn to respect everyone's choices and respect every way of expression.

However, in any case, Tang Wei's experience is worth pondering.

She is not just an actress, but also a brave artist.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?

She tells us through her actions that art should not be confined to a certain framework, it should be free and pluralistic.

Therefore, when we talk about Tang Wei, we might as well look at it from another angle.

She is not only the woman in "Lust and Caution", but also a soul who dares to challenge and break through.

Perhaps, in this controversial era, we need to be like her and bravely walk out of our own path.

It doesn't matter if the path is artistic or vulgar, as long as it's true, as long as it's your own choice, it's the best.

Tang Wei: It took four years to be admitted to Chinese opera, and she was banned because of the play, how did she turn the tables against the wind?
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