
It's messed up! In terms of generation, an aunt marries a nephew, a niece marries an uncle, and a grandfather marries a granddaughter


The New Style of Marriage and Love in Rural Areas: A Breakthrough of Traditional Taboos and Emotional Choices

In the depths of the countryside, the traditional concept of marriage and love is undergoing a quiet change. In the past, men and women with the same surname in the same village were considered forbidden love, but nowadays, this concept is gradually fading.

The story of Xiao Li and Xiao Hong

It's messed up! In terms of generation, an aunt marries a nephew, a niece marries an uncle, and a grandfather marries a granddaughter

Xiao Li and Xiao Hong are childhood sweethearts in the same village and surname, and their relationship has long surpassed ordinary friendship. However, in the eyes of the villagers, their union is a great rebellion. But Xiao Li and Xiao Hong firmly believe that true love is invincible, and they resist the pressure and come together bravely. Today, they are a happy couple that everyone in the village envies, and they have proved the power of love with practical actions.

Uncle Zhang's marriage to Ah Hua

The story of Uncle Zhang and Ah Hua is even more staggering. In terms of generation, Uncle Zhang is Ah Hua's "grandfather", but they crossed the gap of generations and chose each other. At first, the marriage caused an uproar in the village, but over time, people began to understand and respect their choice. Now, they have become a beautiful sight in the village.

It's messed up! In terms of generation, an aunt marries a nephew, a niece marries an uncle, and a grandfather marries a granddaughter

Uncle Liu and his niece are in love

Uncle Liu's relationship with his niece was staggering, but they broke the world's prejudices with sincere emotions. Although Uncle Liu is much older than his niece, they understand each other, support each other, and face the ups and downs of life together. Their stories tell us that age is not an obstacle to love, as long as there is love in the heart, you can overcome all difficulties.

These stories are passed down as good stories in the countryside, which not only show people's persistent pursuit of love and marriage, but also reflect the inevitable trend of social progress and conceptual renewal. In this era of diversity and inclusiveness, let us praise these brave people who pursue happiness!

It's messed up! In terms of generation, an aunt marries a nephew, a niece marries an uncle, and a grandfather marries a granddaughter