
Huang Zijiao exposed that Big S and Gu Junye were involved in drugs? The test results were released, and the size of the urine was detected with a tranquilizer

author:Entertainment donuts
{"info":{"title":{"content":"黄子佼曝大小S及具俊晔涉毒?检验结果出炉,大小S尿液验出镇定剂","en":"Huang Zijiao exposed that Big S and Gu Junye were involved in drugs? The test results were released, and the size of the urine was detected with a tranquilizer"},"description":{"content":"为了您更好的阅读互动体验,为了您及时看到更多内容,点个“关注”,我们每天为您更新精彩故事、分享不一样的故事瞬间!你听说过...","en":"For your better reading and interactive experience, in order for you to see more content in time, click \"Follow\", we update wonderful stories for you every day, and share different story moments! Have you heard..."}},"items":[]}