
The women's volleyball team is a big hero! Cai Bin loves to be the savior at a critical moment, netizens: Who dares to question her?

author:Funny Sunburst C
{"info":{"title":{"content":"女排逆转大功臣!蔡斌爱将关键时刻救主,网友:谁还敢质疑她?","en":"The women's volleyball team is a big hero! Cai Bin loves to be the savior at a critical moment, netizens: Who dares to question her?"},"description":{"content":"哎哟,各位体育迷们,咱们来说说这次世界女排联赛上的大事件吧!咱们的中国女排国家队可真是给我们长脸了,面对劲敌美国队,不仅...","en":"Ouch, sports fans, let's talk about the big event in the World Women's Volleyball League! Our Chinese women's volleyball national team really gave us a long face, facing the fierce rival American team, not only ..."}},"items":[]}