
Try the "killer feature" of Thai food: Thai Tom Yum Goong, only after eating authentic food can you know that it is super unpalatable

{"info":{"title":{"content":"尝尝泰国美食“杀手锏”:泰式冬阴功,吃过正宗的才知道超难吃","en":"Try the \"killer feature\" of Thai food: Thai Tom Yum Goong, only after eating authentic food can you know that it is super unpalatable"},"description":{"content":"在2019年的某个夏天,我和我的几个好友决定去泰国度假。泰国,这个充满神秘和魅力的国度,一直以来都是我们心中的旅游圣地。...","en":"One summer in 2019, a few of my friends and I decided to go on vacation to Thailand. Thailand, a country full of mystery and charm, has always been a tourist destination in our hearts. ..."}},"items":[]}