
Ip Man: A rich child in the first half of his life, an addict in the second half of his life, and a grandmaster who didn't use much force in his life

author:Gossip lowercase
{"info":{"title":{"content":"叶问:前半生富家子弟,后半生瘾君子、一生不怎么动武的一代宗师","en":"Ip Man: A rich child in the first half of his life, an addict in the second half of his life, and a grandmaster who didn't use much force in his life"},"description":{"content":"在阅读此文之前,麻烦您点击一下“关注”,既方便您进行讨论和分享,又能给您带来不一样的参与感,感谢您的支持在1972年12...","en":"Before reading this article, please click \"Follow\", which is not only convenient for you to discuss and share, but also can bring you a different sense of participation, thank you for your support in December 1972..."}},"items":[]}